- Notice
- 31.10.2024 Notification regarding proposal to fill up 1 (One) post of the Deputy Registrar in Pay Matrix Level-12 in the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), New Delhi.
- 23.10.2024 Notification regarding Appointment of Presiding Officer for Special Tribunal (Full time) at Talcher u/s 14(2) of the CBA Act, 1957 for adjudication the dispute cases of land acquisition/compensation for the land acquired under this Act by MCL in the Talcher coalfields in Orisha-reg.
- 23.10.2024 Notification regarding Vacancy Circular for selection for the posts of Presiding Officer in National Industrial Tribunal -reg.
- 19.10.2024 Notification regarding the final result for recruitment of 2(Two) post of Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and 4(Four) post of Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under the LADCS Scheme,2022.
- 18.10.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court on 18th October, 2024.
- 10.10.2024 Notification regarding the comprenhensive Legal Glossary in Manipuri.
- 08.10.2024 Notification for filling up of 01(one) post of Secretary, National Company of Law Tribunal, New Delhi on deputation.
- 08.10.2024 Advertisement for filling up for the post of Senior Principal Private Secretary in National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), New Delhi by composit method (deputation/promotion).
- 08.10.2024 Notification regarding the shortlisted candidates for appearing in viva voce for the post of Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under the LADCS Scheme,2022.
- 07.10.2024 Vacancy circular regarding engagement of retired Government Servants as consultant (Court Master) on contract basis in the Lokpal of India.
- 27.09.2024 Order regarding posting of Shri Salam Samarjeet Singh, Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I Officer.
- 26.09.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mrs. Justice Golmei Gaiphushillu Kabui will not hold the court from 27th, September, 2024.
- 26.09.2024 Notification regarding designation of senior Advocate in The High Court of Manipur with immediate effect from 26th, September, 2024.
- 25.09.2024 Notification regarding answer keys of Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel examinations.
- 24.09.2024 Notification regarding answer keys of Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel examinations.
- 20.09.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold the court from 20th, September, 2024.
- 19.09.2024 Vacancy Circular for filling up the post of Principal Registrar in the Armed Forces Tribunal, Pricipal Bench, New Delhi on deputation basis.
- 19.09.2024 Vacancy Circular regarding selection for the post of Member in National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commisssion(NCDRC).
- 19.09.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold the court from 19th, September, 2024.
- 18.09.2024 Notification regarding preponement of written examination for Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under LADCS Scheme,2022.
- 17.09.2024 Notification regarding preponement of written examination for Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under LADCS Scheme,2022.
- 07.09.2024 Notification regarding for filling up of 2(two) vacant posts of Manipur Judicial Service Grade - I from the cadre of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-II.
- 06.09.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice, Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh and Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Guneshwar sharma will not hold the court from 9th to 13th September, 2024.
- 04.09.2024 Notification regarding date of written examination for recruitment of Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and Asst. Legal Aid Defense Counsel under LADCS Scheme, 2022.
- 31.08.2024 Advertisement regarding recruitment of Tripura Judicial Service, Grade -I in the High Court of Tripura.
- 30.08.2024 Notification regarding extension of last date for submission of online application for the post of Judicial Members in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal(NCLAT).
- 27.08.2024 Instructions to all Judicial Officers in the State of Manipur regarding the matters/complaints which have been already registered in the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal.
- 22.08.2024 Circular for direct recruitment for filling up of 37 (Thirty seven) vacancies of District Judge (Entry Level) for the year 2023 in Chhattisgarh Higher Judicial Service.
- 19.08.2024 Vacancy Circular for engagement of retired Government servants as Consultants on contract basis in the Lokpal of India.
- 17.08.2024 Advertisement for the post of Junior Court Attendant (Cooking Knowing) of Supreme Court of India.
- 14.08.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold the court from 16th, 19th and 20th August, 2024.
- 09.08.2024 Circular regarding to fillup One of the Post Of Registrar(Anticipated) in the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity on deputation basis .
- 09.08.2024 Circular regarding advertisement No. 01/2024 dated 08/08/2024 for filling up vacancy in Grade-III of Tripura Judicial Service by direct recruitment.
- 08.08.2024 Notification regarding "One-Day State level Consultation on effective implementation of the Juvenile Justice Act and POCSO Act with Specific focus on Children with Disabilities'' .
- 06.08.2024 Advertisement for recruitmentment to various posts on deputation basis in Legal Cadre of National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) .
- 05.08.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble the Chief Justice, Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh and Hon'ble Mr. A. Guneshwar Sharma will not hold the court from 9th and 12th August, 2024 .
- 25.07.2024 Notification regarding filling up of various vacant posts in National Human Rights Commission on deputation basis .
- 20.07.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court from 22nd to 30th July 2024 .
- 19.07.2024 Notification regarding to appoint a Retainer Lawyer from amongs the Panel Lawyer of the High Court Legal Service committee .
- 17.07.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Guneshwar sharma will not hold the court on 18th July 2024 .
- 11.07.2024 Vacancy Circular regarding Selection for the post of Judicial Members in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal(NCLAT) .
- 09.07.2024 Advertisement regarding contractual engagement to the post of Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under National Legal Services Authority(NALSA) .
- 05.07.2024Notification regarding High Court of Manipur will be taken up only urgent motion/admission matters in the cause list dated 5th july,2024 .
- 04.07.2024 Circular regarding filling up of the post of Court Master(Shorthand) in Level-11(Rs.67700-208700) on deputation basis in Supreme Court.
- 04.07.2024 Notice inviting suggestions/views, if any, of other stakeholders in the proposed designation of Senior Advocates.
- 04.07.2024 Notification to rectify the defects/omissions found regarding designation of Senior Advocates.
- 04.07.2024 Notification regarding High Court of Manipur and all the Courts under its supervision, the office of MJA and MASLSA shall remain closed on 4th July, 2024.
- 03.07.2024 Notification regarding High Court of Manipur and all the Courts under its supervision, the office of MJA and MASLSA shall remain closed on 3rd July, 2024.
- 28.06.2024 Circular regarding non-availability of Hon'ble Justice Golmei Gaiphulshillu Kabui to hold court sitting from 2nd to 5th July, 2024.
- 28.06.2024 Notification regarding effective date for mandatory use of e-Office for all administrative and financial matters.
- 28.06.2024 Notification regarding effective date for mandatory use of Inventory Management System and Vehicle Management System.
- 28.06.2024 Notification regarding mandatory e-filing of cases in the District and Session Courts.
- 28.06.2024 Notification regarding Hybrid/ Video conferencing mode of the court procedings in the District Courts and its SOP.
- 25.06.2024 Notification regarding Vacation Court in which Summer Vacation starting from 9th July, 2024 to 16th July, 2024.
- 21.06.2024 Circular regarding filling up of the post of Court Master (Shorthand) in Lavel-11 (Rs. 67700- Rs.208700) on deputation basis in Supreme Court.
- 11.06.2024 Advertisement regarding filling up one post of the deputy Registrar in National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), New Delhi.
- 10.06.2024 Employment Notice for recruitment of Academic & Administrative Staff in National Judicial Academy India at Bhopal.
- 05.06.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold the court on 10th and 11th June, 2024 and Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Guneshwar Sharma will not hold the court on 10th to 12th June, 2024.
- 01.06.2024 Notice regarding Conferment of Designation of Senior Advocate in the High Court of Delhi.
- 27.05.2024 Office memorandum regarding filling up of various posts in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal on deputation basis.
- 24.05.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble the Chief Justice will not hold the court from 27th to 29th May 2024.
- 23.05.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Guneshwar Sharma will not hold the court on 27.07.2024.
- 22.05.2024 Vacancy Circular regarding for filling up to the post of Registrar at National Green Tribunal, Pricipal Bench, New Delhi.
- 17.05.2024 Notification regarding Hill Area/ Tough Location Allowance to the Manipur Judicial Service Officers.
- 16.05.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court from 17th May to 24th May,2024.
- 09.05.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court on 10.05.2024.
- 08.05.2024 Circular regarding filling up for the post of Deputy Registrar in the Armed Forces Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi on deputation basis.
- 25.04.2024 Notification regarding constitution of the Case Management Committees for all the District Courts in Manipur.
- 25.04.2024 Notification regarding practice directions pursuant to order dated 11.03.2024 passed by hon'ble Supreme Court in Criminal Appeal No.1730 of 2024 titled devu G.Nair Vs State of Kerala and Ors.
- 24.04.2024 Notification regarding extension of 15(Fifteen) eSewa Kendra Office Assistants.
- 24.04.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court on 26.04.2024 and forenoon of 29th April, 2024.
- 22.04.2024 Notification regarding an interaction session for the shortlisting of candidates as Panel Lawyer for the High Court Legal Services Committee.
- 18.04.2024 Office Memorandum regarding filling up of various posts in the National Company of Law Appellate Tribunal on deputation basis.
- 17.04.2024 Notification regarding declaration of holidays on 19th April and 26th April 2024 in connection with the forthcoming 18th Lok Sabha Election, 2024.
- 15.04.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court on 15.04.2024.
- 10.04.2024 Notification regarding cases to listed on 12 April 2024 in the single bench before Hon'ble Chief Justice will be listed before HMJ Golmei Gaiphushillu Kabui.
- 08.04.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court on 08.41.2024, 10.04.2024 and 12.04.2024.
- 06.04.2024 Notification regarding recruitment for the Member(Law) in the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission.
- 06.04.2024 Office memorandum regarding filling up of 1(one) post of Registrar in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal on deputation basis.
- 04.04.2024 Order regarding reconstitution of the committee for the High Court of Manipur.
- 03.04.2024 Notification regarding extension for submission of written proposals for designation of senior Advocate.
- 01.04.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold court on 1st April 2024 and 2nd April 2024 (forenoon).
- 01.04.2024 Vacancy Circular for Supreme Court of India inviting applications for ex-Cadre post of Assistant Registrar(Computer) on deputation basis.
- 20.03.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold court on 21st March 2024.
- 19.03.2024 Notification regarding Madras High Court's invitation of application for preparation of Head-notes for the Judgments.
- 27.02.2024 Notification regarding Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for proper implementation of the implementation of the SNJPC in respect of pay, pension and allowances.
- 26.02.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court on 26.02.2024.
- 21.02.2024 Notification regarding High Court of Manipur (Designation of Senior Advocates) Amendment Rules, 2024.
- 17.02.2024 Notification regarding a reference on a sudden demise of Rajkumar Nokulsana Singh, Sr. Advocate on 19th Feb.2024.
- 16.02.2024 Circular for filling up posts of Registrar in Armed Forces Tribunal, Regional Benches, Chandigarh and Srinagar (Function at Jammu)on deputation.
- 16.02.2024 Office Memorandum for filling up various posts in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal on deputation Basis.
- 14.02.2024 Notification regarding filling up one post of Judicial Member in Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT), Mumbai.
- 14.02.2024 Notification regarding filling up one post of the Joint Registrar in the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), New Delhi.
- 14.02.2024 Notification regarding filling up one post of the Registrar in the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), New Delhi.
- 14.02.2024 Notification regarding Application for Undergraduate Programme and Postgraduate Programme 2024 through Admission Test and Interview for National Law University (NLU), Meghalaya.
- 08.02.2024 Notification regarding practice directions pursuant to order dated 19.01.2024 passed by Hon'ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 303 titled Kusha Duruka Vs The State of Odisha.
- 06.02.2024 Notification regarding SOP for Personal Appearance of Government Officials in Court Proceeding.
- 05.02.2024 Notification regarding inspection of case record of the High Court of Manipur.
- 25.01.2024 Notification regarding direction of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India with respect to Transfer Petition (Civil) No.1957/2023.
- 20.01.2024 Notification regarding direction of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India with respect to Transfer Petition (Civil) No.1957/2023.
- 19.01.2024 Notification regarding Committee for Service Conditions of the District Judiciary (CSCDJ)
- 17.01.2024 Circular for filling up the posts of Registrar in Armed Forces Tribunal, Regional Benches, Kolkata, Guwahati and Mumbai on deputation basis.
- 16.01.2024 Advertisement for online application to fill up 83 vacancies to Uttar Pradesh Highier Judcial Service.
- 11.01.2024 Notification for inviting from intending advocates for empanelment as Panel Lawyers of the High Court Legal Services Committee (HCLSC).
- 10.01.2024 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court on 12.01.2024 and 15.01.2024.
- 05.01.2024 Vacancy Cicular for the posts of Judicial Members in the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT).
- 20.12.2023 Order regarding appointment of Bandana Devi Thokchom and Longjam Herojit Singh as Research Officer in the Ofiice of MJA.
- 18.12.2023 Order regarding Shri Khwairakpam Roger Singh engaged as daily wager (Chauffeur/ Driver).
- 15.12.2023 Notification regarding centres for computer typing test in connection with the promotion to the post of LDA on 18th Dec.2023.
- 13.12.2023 Notification regarding filling up of three posts (subject to variation) in the cadre of Court Master in Lokpal of India on deputation basis-reg.
- 13.12.2023 Notification regarding filling up of three posts (subject to variation) in the cadre of Court Master in Lokpal of India on deputation basis-reg.
- 11.12.2023 Order regarding rectification of name in earlier order of even no. dated 8th, December, 2023.
- 11.12.2023 Notification regarding schedule for computer typing test for eligible shortlisted employees for the post of LDA by promotion in the District Courts.
- 11.12.2023 Notification regarding tentative seniority list of Peon, Chowkidar & Sweeper of the District Courts of Manipur.
- 08.12.2023 Notification regarding vacation court during vacation starting from 23rd December,2023 to 8th January, 2024.
- 07.12.2023 Notification regarding Single benches Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Hon'ble Justice Golmei Gaiphushillu.
- 07.12.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the court on 07.12.2023.
- 04.12.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A Bimol Singh will not hold the court on 05.12.2023.
- 02.12.2023 Notification regarding extension of eSewa Kendra office Assistants (contract) till 31st March 2024.
- 02.12.2023 Notification regarding constitute of "Review Committee" of the High Court of Manipur.
- 02.12.2023 Notification regarding the directions of the High Court of Manipur to all the Civil Courts to strictly comply with the order dated 20th October, 2023 passed in Civil Appeal No. 4296 of 2023.
- 28.11.2023 Vacancy circular for the posts of Judicial members in the National Company law Appellate Tribunal(NCLAT).
- 28.11.2023 Application for selection of member (Legal) Petroleum and natural gas regulatory board.
- 25.11.2023 Corrigendum regarding Delhi Judicial Service Examination, 2023.
- 24.11.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble The Chief Justice and Hon'ble A Bimol Singh will not hold the court on 27.11.2023 and 28.11.2023.
- 23.11.2023 Notification regarding online certify Copy portal of the High Court of Manipur.
- 15.11.2023 Notification regarding direct recruitment to Punjab and Haryana Superior Judicial Service 2023-24.
- 10.11.2023 Notification regarding Civil Court rules and orders of the Gauhati High Court (Manipur Amendment),2023.
- 07.11.2023 Notice regarding listing of single bench matters in the event of recusal by Hon'ble Single Bench Judges.
- 07.11.2023 Order regarding utilization District and Subordinate Court staff.
- 06.11.2023 Vacancy circular regarding selection for the post of Member in National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC).
- 25.10.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold the court on 30.10.2023.
- 20.10.2023 Notification regarding list for distribution of Vehicles to the Judicial Officers.
- 20.10.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble Shri Justice Siddharth Mridul has assumed charge as the Chief Justice, High Court of Manipur.
- 28.09.2023 Notification regarding e-Sewa Kendra locations selected for Video Conferencing for appearing before the High Court
li>27.09.2023 Vacancy Circular regarding selection for the post of Judicial Members in the Armed Forces Tribunal.
- 27.09.2023 Notification regarding age relaxation of three(3) contractual & daily wager staff of District Courts.
- 27.09.2023 Corrigendum regarding Notification No.HCM/1/96-Bench/17174-90 dated 27th September,2023.
- 27.09.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold the court on 27.09.2023.
- 21.09.2023 Notification regarding there will be no division bench sitting on 22.09.2023.
- 21.09.2023 Notification regarding conferring the power of a Judicial Magistrate of the First class to the Judicial Officers.
- 16.09.2023 Notification regarding Division Bench siting of Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh and Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Guneshwar Sharma on 18.09.2023.
- 16.09.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble The Acting Chief Justice will not hold the court from 18.09.2023 to 21.09.2023.
- 11.09.2023 Vacancy Circular regarding filling up for the post of Registrar in the Armed Forces Tribunal, regional Bench Chandigarh
- 11.09.2023 Notification regarding guidelines of Special Leave Petition.
- 06.09.2023 Notification regarding reschedule of cases due to the sudden cancellation of cuwfew relaxation hours.
- 05.09.2023 Vacancy Circular regarding filling up for the post of Financial Advisor, Chief Account Officer and other officers in the Armed Forces Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi.
- 31.08.2023 Notification regarding re-constitution of Economy Board and Tender Committee of High Court of Manipur.
- 28.08.2023 Order regarding utilization of District Court staff.
- 28.08.2023 Notification regarding final result for recruitment of 4(four) post of peon under LADCS Scheme, 2022.
- 28.08.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble The Acting Chief Justice will not hold the court on 01.09.2023.
- 25.08.2023 Extension of last date for submission of online Applications for the posts of the members in the NCLAT.
- 24.08.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A Guneshwar Sharma will not hold the court from 25.08.2023 till 29.08.2023.
- 17.08.2023 Corrigendum regarding utilization of staff of District Courts of Manipur.
- 17.08.2023 Corrigendum regarding utilization of staff of District Courts of Manipur.
- 17.08.2023 Order regarding utilization of staff of District Courts of Manipur.
- 14.08.2023 Vacancy Circular regarding selection for the post of Presiding Officer in Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT), Mumbai- Reg.
- 14.08.2023 Notification regarding strict compliance of the provisions of Flag Code of India, 2002 and Prevention of insults to National Honour Act, 1971-reg.
- 14.08.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble The Acting Chief Justice will not hold the court from 16.08.2023 till 21.08.2023.
- 08.08.2023 Notification regarding grant of leave to Judicial Officers.
- 07.08.2023 Circular regarding for filling up the posts of Registrar in the Arm Forces Tribunal, Regional Bench, Srinagar( Functioning at Jammu).
- 03.08.2023 Notification regarding PIL No.33 of 2023.
- 02.08.2023 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-voce for recruitment of 4(four) posts of Peon on contract basis under LADC Scheme.
- 02.08.2023 Notification regarding Cause List dated 03-08-2023.
- 02.08.2023 Notification regarding filing of any petition/appeal/application/affidavit etc. in the High Court of Manipur.
- 01.08.2023 Notification regarding EL.PET/14/2022 and EL.PET/25/2022.
- 28.07.2023 Vacancy circular regarding selection for the posts of Judicial and Technical members in National Company Law Appellate Tribunals (NCLAT).
- 26.07.2023 Vacancy circular regarding selection for the posts of Judicial and Technical members in National Company Law Appellate Tribunals (NCLAT).
- 25.07.2023 Office memorandom regarding filling up of vacancies upto 31.07.2023 for various posts in Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunals( DRATs) and Debts Recovery Tribunals (DRTs).
- 24.07.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble The Acting Chief Justice will not hold the court from 25.07.2023 till 28.07.2023.
- 24.07.2023 Notification regarding constitution of the bench sitting for the period from 25.07.2023 till 28.07.2023.
- 24.07.2023 Notification regarding non-availability of Hon'ble The Acting Chief Justice from 25.07.2023 till 28.07.2023.
- 21.07.2023 Notification regarding Court sitting time of Hon'ble The Acting Chief Justice on 24.07.2023.
- 21.07.2023 Notification regarding Court sitting time of Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Guneshwae Sharma on 24.07.2023.
- 20.07.2023 Notification regarding distribution of pending Election Petitions among the available Benches of the High Court of Manipur.
- 20.07.2023 Hon'ble Supreme Court of India Notification regarding Designation of Senior Advocates.
- 07.07.2023 Notification regarding filling up one post of the Registrar in the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), New Delhi.
- 07.07.2023 Notification regarding launching of online RTI portal for the High Court of Manipur.
- 06.07.2023 Notification regarding Vacation Court for the High Court Manipur.
- 05.07.2023 Order regarding utilization of employees of the District Courts of Manipur.
- 23.06.2023 Corrigendum regarding vacancy circular for filling up various posts in National Consumer Disputes Redessal Commission on deputation.
- 23.06.2023 Circular regarding filling up various posts in National Commission for protection of Child Rights, New Delhi through deputation on Foriegn Service Terms.
- 22.06.2023 National Medical Commission is inviting application for Empanelment of Advocates as Standing Counsels.
- 14.06.2023 Notification regarding there will be no court sitting of the High Court on 14-06-2023.
- 12.06.2023 Order regarding Distribution Memo for Motor Accident Claims Tribunal.
- 12.06.2023 Order regarding Motor Accident Claim Cases.
- 09.06.2023 Notification regarding constitution of Transfer Committee.
- 08.06.2023 Orders regarding distribution/re-distribution the duties of the Registrar General, Registrar, Joint Registrars and Deputy Registrar.
- 05.06.2023 Notification regarding hybrid mode of court sitting in the High Court of Manipur will commence from 06-06-2023.
- 05.06.2023 Notification regarding hybrid mode of court sitting in the High Court of Manipur will commence from 06-06-2023.
- 05.06.2023 Notification regarding fixed items and motion items.
- 01.06.2023 Notification regarding cancellation of cause lists dated 01-06-2023.
- 31.05.2023 Notification regarding partial modification of Cause List published for 1st June, 2023.
- 31.05.2023 Order regarding for appointment of Smt. Golmei Gaiphulshillu Kabui as Joint Director of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 30.05.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble the Acting Chief Justice will not hold the Court on 31-05-2023.
- 30.05.2023 Notification regarding Hon'ble the Acting Chief Justice will not hold the Court on 30-05-2023.
- 29.05.2023 Notification regarding cancellation of cause lists dated 29-05-2023
- 25.05.2023 Order regarding Shri N.Keertichand Singh, District & Sessions Judge, Senapati will attend "ToT-3 Programme on Human Trafficking" at Ceeli Institue in Prague, Czech Republic.
- 25.05.2023 Corrigendum of Notification No. HCM/1/96-Bench/10844-65, dated 25.05.2023 of the registry.
- 25.05.2023 Notification regarding Judicial Officers to look after Courts/office.
- 25.05.2023 Notification regarding cancellation of Cause List dated 25-05-2023.
- 23.05.2023 Order regarding appointment of Computer Assistant in the High Court of Manipur.
- 22.05.2023 Extension of Last Date for receipt of application for the post of Registrar on deputation in Armed Forces Tribunal, Regional Bench, Kolkata.
- 22.05.2023 Notification regarding Division Bench matters published in the Cause List dated 22-05-2023.
- 18.05.2023 Notification regarding social media restriction for Judicial officers and Court staff.
- 12.05.2023 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice MV. Muralidaran will not hold the Court on 15th May,2023.
- 12.05.2023 Notification regarding the court sitting hours to be fixed according to the relaxation of curfew hours.
- 12.05.2023 Notification regarding Judicial Officers to look after Courts for dealing with urgent matters.
- 10.05.2023 Notification regarding adjournment of court sitting on 11.05.2023 and 12.05.2023 of the High Court of Manipur.
- 08.05.2023 Notification regarding adjournment of court sitting on 09.05.2023 and 10.05.2023 of the High Court of Manipur.
- 04.05.2023 Notification regarding suspension of normal functioning of the High Court of Manipur.
- 19.04.2023 Notification regarding declaration of 1st May, 2023 (May Day) and 7th September, 2023 (Janma Ashtami) in the High Court of Manipur and District Courts of Manipur.
- 18.04.2023 Vacancy circular regarding to fill up the posts of Deputy Registrar, Private Secretary, Court Master, personal Assistant and Judicial Assistant in the Appellete Tribunal Electricity.
- 18.04.2023 Notification regarding Transfer and posting of System Officers in the High Court and District Courts of Manipur.
- 15.04.2023 Notification inviting application for three post of Member in the Compitition Commission of India.
- 12.04.2023 Notification regarding answer keys of Research Officer Main examination held on 4th March 2023 for Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 10.04.2023 Notification regarding extension of last date for receipt of applications for the post of Registrar on deputation basis in Armed Forces Tribunal Reggional Bench Kolkata.
- 06.04.2023 Circular regarding application for filling up the posts of Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer, Deputy controller of Accounts, Principal private Secretary, Assistant Registrar, Private Secretary, Tribunal Master/Steno Grade-I, Accounts Officer and Junior Account Officer in the Armed forces Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi.
- 31.03.2023 Vacancy circular regarding selection for the post of Member(Judicial) in Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT).
- 31.03.2023 Notification regarding reconstitute the "High Court Gender Sensitisation and Internal Complaints Committee (GSICC) under regulation 4(2) read with Regulation 5 of the Gender Sensitisation & Sexual Harrasment of women at the High Court of Manipur.
- 16.03.2023 Order No.159 regarding Committees of the High Court of Manipur.
- 28.02.2023 Notification regarding High Court Legal Services Committee.
- 27.02.2023 Notification regarding eFiling mandatory with effect from 1st March,2023 for filing of fresh case.
- 27.02.2023 The Supreme Court Committee on Accessibilities invites feedback regarding Physical and functional accessibility of the Supreme Court of India till 10th March, 2023 through questionnaires.
- 23.02.2023 Notification regarding Filling up the post of Chairperson in the competition commission of india inviting application.
- 21.02.2023 Notification regarding the newly designated Senior Advocates list in the High Court of Manipur.
- 19.02.2023 Notification regarding Division and Single Bench of Hon'ble the Acting Chief Justice will hold Court at Court Room No.1 on Monday 20th February, 2023.
- 17.02.2023 Notification regarding amendment in the High Court of Manipur Rules and Orders 2021.
- 13.02.2023 Notification regarding working hour of the Registry.
- 13.02.2023 Order regarding Moirangthem Saroj Singh is enganged as Daily wage Chauffer.
- 08.02.2023 Notification for filling up of the post of Registrar, National Company of Law Tribunal(NCLT), New Delhi on Deputation Basis.
- 07.02.2023 Notification regarding portfolio Judge of the Courts Tribunals.
- 06.02.2023 Notification regarding Division Bench CauseList dated 06-02-2023 published for Court No.2
- 23.01.2023 Notification regarding Inviting applications for 3(three) posts of Member in the Competition Commission of India.
- 20.01.2023 Notification regarding appointment of Brainy Maibam, Maharabam Bikramjit Singh, Senjam Ronel Singh and T. Liangoumang as Computer Operator in the Office of MJA..
- 20.01.2022 Notification regarding RE_Designation of Senior Advocates.
- 16.01.2023 Notification regarding the list of selected candidates for appoinment to the post of Computer Operator in the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 13.01.2023 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice MV Muralidaran will not hold the Court on 16th and 17th January 2023.
- 02.01.2023 Notification regarding the extension of one year for Scanning Digitization to the firm M/s Informatics Publishing Ltd.
- 26.12.2022 Notification regarding the Circuit Court Sitting of Central Administrative Tribunal, Guwahati Bench will be held at Imphal.
- 23.12.2022 Notification regarding rectification of defects/ommissions in the proposal as senior Advocate Designation.
- 23.12.2022 Vacancy Circular regarding selection for the post of Judicial and Technical Members in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT).
- 21.12.2022 Notification regarding Final seniority list of LDAs in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 20.12.2022 Notification regarding Vacation Court during the Winter Vacation starting from 23rd December, 2022 to 9th January, 2023.
- 19.12.2022 Notification regarding Fee(s) for Standing Counsel.
- 12.12.2022 Notification regarding selection of a suitable candidate for one ex-cadre post of Assistant Registrar (Computer) on deputation basis in Supreme court of India.
- 03.12.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice MV. Muralidaran will not hold Court from 5th to 16th December, 2022.
- 01.12.2022 Order regarding appointment of Manoharmayum Nancy Devi and H. Surendrajit Singh to the post of LDA in the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 01.12.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold Court on 2nd December, 2022.
- 28.11.2022 Notification regarding Half Holidays on 29th and 30th November, 2022 on account of Sangai Festival Manipur.
- 28.11.2022 Order regarding selection of Tenderer/Firm to run the Canteen of the High Court of Manipur.
- 21.11.2022 Rules for Electronic Filing (eFiling) for the fresh cases to the High Court of Manipur.
- 21.11.2022 Notification regarding Electronic Filing (eFiling) for the fresh cases to the High Court of Manipur.
- 18.11.2022 Notification regarding The High Court of Manipur Rules for Live Streaming and Recording of Court Proceedings 2022.
- 17.11.2022 Notification regarding methodology for awrding marks for computer typing test for all Departmental Promotions/Recruitment examination in the High Court and District Courts of Manipur.
- 09.11.2022 Notification regarding place of posting of the eSewa Office Assistants.
- 08.11.2022 Notification regarding working hours of Registry and Court sitting of High Court of Manipur for winter season.
- 07.11.2022 Notification regarding a reference on the sudden demise of Shri Ch. Dhananjoy Singh, Senior Advocate.
- 04.11.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr.Justice MV Muralidaran will not hold Court from 7th to 11th November, 2022.
- 02.11.2022 Notification regarding Guidelines for Recording of Evidence of Vulnerable Witnesses.
- 31.10.2022 Notification to submit consent for being considered for inclusion in the fresh panel for appointment as Amicus Curiae in the Supreme Court of India.
- 21.10.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Justice MV Muralidaran will not hold Court on 31st October 2022.
- 12.10.2022 Notification regarding Covid-19 Advisory.
- 10.10.2022 Notification regarding WP(C) No. 410 of 2022 listed in the Cause List dated 10.10 2022 of Single Bench of Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh.
- 28.09.2022 Notification regarding vacation court on Friday, 7th October, 2022.
- 23.09.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold the Court on 27th, 28th & 29th of September,2022.
- 13.09.2022 Notification regarding Auction Sales of Vehicles (One Maruti Van, One Maruti Esteem Car, One Maruti SX4)
- 09.09.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble The Chief Justice will not hold Court on 15th and 16th and Hon'ble Mr.Justice Muralidaran will not hold Court on 12th and 13th September,2022
- 06.09.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the Court from 6th to 14th September, 2022.
- 05.09.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the Court from 6th to 14th September, 2022.
- 01.09.2022 Notification regarding all dormant cases shall be listed from 05.09.2022 (Monday) onwards.
- 29.08.2022 Circular regarding cutting down of trees without prior permission in the Court premises
- 25.08.2022 Notification regarding written proposal for Designation of Senior Advocate
- 20.08.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V. Muralidaran will not hold the Court on Monday, 22nd August, 2022.
- 01.08.2022 Notification regarding High Court of Manipur (Designation of Senior Advocates) Rules 2022.
- 29.07.2022 Notification regarding extension of appointment of Joint Director, Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 20.07.2022 Notification regarding Advisories as measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the High Court premises.
- 15.07.2022 Notification regarding dispense of wearing Advocate gowns in the High Court of Manipur.
- 15.07.2022 Circulation of the Advertisement dated 13.07.2022 for filling up of vacancies in Grade-III of Tripura judicial Service by Direct recruitment.
- 14.07.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice MV Muralidaran will not hold the Court on 15th July, 2022.
- 12.07.2022 Order regarding appointment of Kamei Akham Kabuini in the post of Mali of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 11.07.2022 Notification regarding seniority list of applicants who have applied for appointment under Die-In-Harness scheme in District Courts of Manipur.
- 08.07.2022 Notification regarding nomination for filling up one post Assistant Director (Law) in the SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad deputation basis.
- 07.07.2022 Order regarding the appointment to the post of Driver(ST) of the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 05.07.2022 Order regarding the appointment to the post of Driver of the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 05.07.2022 Notification regarding the members of the Selection Committee of Manipur State District Courts Service Rules, 2014
- 02.07.2022 Notification regarding the selected list for appointment to the post of Driver in the Manipur Judicial Academy
- 19.06.2022 Corrigendum regarding the appointment Order No. MJA/E-01/2015/1290-1304 dated 12th July, 2022 of Manipur Judicial Academy
- 19.06.2022 Corrigendum regarding the appointment Order No. MJA/E-01/2015/1273-1287 dated 7th July, 2022 of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 19.06.2022 Corrigendum regarding the appointment Order No. MJA/E-01/2015/1258-1272 dated 5th July, 2022 of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 19.06.2022 Corrigendum regarding the appointment Order No. MJA/E-01/2015/1226-1240 dated 21st June, 2022 of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 19.06.2022 Corrigendum regarding the appointment Order No. MJA/E-01/2015/1140-1156 dated 29th April, 2022 of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 19.07.2022 Corrigendum regarding the appointment Order No. MJA/E-01/2015/1125-1139 dated 29th April, 2022 of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 19.07.2022 Corrigendum regarding the appointment Order No. MJA/E-01/2015/1110-1124 dated 29th April, 2022 of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 19.07.2022 Corrigendum regarding the appointment Order No. MJA/E-01/2015/1095-1109 dated 29th April, 2022 of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 29.06.2022 Notification regarding the written examination (General English) and Computer typing test for promotion to the posts of Judicial Assistant.
- 23.06.2022 Notification regarding appoinment of 1(one) person to the post of Grade-IV/Attendant in the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 17.06.2022 Notification regarding the Vacation Court on 27th June, 2022.
- 16.06.2022 Notification regarding listing of cases before Hon'ble The Chief Justice.
- 15.06.2022 Notification regarding selected list for appointment to the post of Grade-IV/Attendant and Mali in the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 14.06.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble The Chief Justice will not hold the Court on 17th June, 2022 and re-scheduled the already fixed cases on the said date.
- 09.06.2022 Notification regarding regularization of Maisnam Loyalakpa Meitei as Lecturer /Asst.Professor of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 07.06.2022 Notification regarding nominated Portforlio Judge(s) for the District Courts in Manipur.
- 04.06.2022 Notification regarding Full Court Farewell in the Honour of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Lanusungkum Jamir, High Court of Manipur.
- 28.05.2022 Notification regarding eatablishment of a Permanent Secretariat for state Court Management System.
- 23.05.2022 Notification regarding Division Bench of today's causelist dated 23-05-2022, constituting Hon'ble The Chief Justice and Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S Jamir.
- 19.05.2022 Notification regarding constitution of a sub-Committee for framing the Civil Code Procedure for the High Court of Manipur.
- 18.05.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble the Chief Justice will not hold the Court on 20th May, 2022.
- 16.05.2022 Notification regarding to all district and subordinate Courts of Manipur to recognize the e-authenticated copy of the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India Communicated through FASTER system and comply with directions contaied therein.
- 29.04.2022 Order regarding regularisation of contractual staff of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 29.04.2022 Notification regarding "In Re children in street situations in SMW(C) No. 6/2021".
- 28.04.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble the Chief Justice will not hold the Court on Friday 29th April 2022.
- 25.04.2022 Notification regarding the regularization of five contractual Computer Operators and two contractual drivers.
- 21.04.2022 Notification regarding the sudden demise of Mr. Hon'ble Justice Asok Potsangbam, former Judge, Gauhati High Court.
- 20.04.2022 Notification regarding the mentioning for adjournment of the listed cases.
- 04.04.2022 Notification regarding the working hours of the High Court of Manipur and District Courts.
- 31.03.2022 e-Newsletter 2021 High Court of Manipur.
- 29.03.2022 Notification regarding Physical court hearings in both the High Court and District Courts /Tribunals shall be resumed w.e.f 04.04.2022.
- 26.03.2022 Addendum regarding the dress allowance to be inserted in the Pay band Column of Senior Personal Assistant.
- 22.03.2022 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir will not hold the Court on 23-03-2022.
- 14.03.2022 Notification regarding the guidelines of Vulnerable Witnesses Deposition Centres (VWDC) Scheme for the High Court of Manipur.
- 14.03.2022 Notification regarding the guidelines of Vulnerable Witnesses Deposition Centres (VWDC) Scheme for the High Court of Manipur.
- 05.03.2022 Notification regarding Vulnerable Witnesses Deposition Centres (VWDC) Committee.
- 02.03.2022 Notification regarding State Court Management System Committee for the State of Manipur.
- 25.02.2022 Notification regarding declaration of courts holidays on Election days i.e.. 28th Febuary,2022 and 5th March,2022.
- 22.02.2022 Order regarding Promotion of Computer Assistants of this Registry to the post of Judicial Assistant.
- 16.02.2022 Order regarding the appointment of Shri Justice Kh. Nobin Singh former Judge High Court of Manipur as Director of Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 14.02.2022 Notification regarding the cases fixed for listing on 28.02.2022 will be listed on the subsequent date namely 01.03.2022,02.03.2022 and 03.03.2022.
- 11.02.2022 Corrigendum regarding Pay Band appearing at Class-III Ministrial Establishment (Non Gazetted) High Court Subordinate Service in the schedule I of order dated 25th November, 2020 .
- 08.02.2022 Notification regarding reference on the sudden demise of Shri K. Jagat Singh, State Government Counsel.
- 31.01.2022 Notification regarding today's Division Bench of Hon'ble The Chief Justice and Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V. Muralidaran will hold court from 11.00 am.
- 28.01.2022 Notification regarding all cases filed shall be accompained by a proper index.
- 24.01.2022 Notification regarding cases appearing in the Causelist dated 24.01.2022 of Hon'ble Mr.Justice A. Bimol Singh will be re-listed.
- 24.01.2022 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr.Justice A. Bimol Singh will not hold the Court on 24th january, 2022.
- 19.01.2022 Notification regarding empanelment of Ld. Advocates as Pro-Bono/ Nyaya Bandhu
- 18.01.2022 Order regarding Smt. M. Pemila, retired MJS Officer re-employed, is posted as District & Sessions Judge,Urkhul
- 18.01.2022 Notification
regarding constituted committees for the High Court of Manipur.
- 09.01.2022 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No. 132 dated 06-10-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the context of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 01.01.2022 Notification regarding portfolio Judges of the Courts in the Judicial Districts
- 28.12.2021 Corrigendum regarding Notification No. 140 dated 21st December 2021.
- 21.12.2021 Notification regarding the Vacation Court during Winter Vacation 2021
- 21.12.2021 Notification regarding distribution of 24 sanctioned post of Judicial Assistant.
- 16.12.2021 Notification regarding filing of Writ Appeals and Appeals.
- 15.12.2021 Notification regarding Nomination of Advocates to participate in the online training on "Electronic Case Management Tools(ECMT)for Advocates.
- 02.12.2021 Notification regarding extending the engagement of 1(one)Lecturer on contract basis for Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 30.11.2021 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir will not hold court on 30th November 2021.
- 25.11.2021 Notification regarding Hon'ble Chief Justice will not court on Friday, 26th November 2021.
- 16.11.2021 Notification regarding weightage marks that shall be given to candidates applying for direct recruitment for the past services rendered by them on contractual and /or daily wage basis.
- 16.11.2021 Notification regarding Rule 3(f)(iv) of Rules Regarding Caveats appended as appendix-12 of the High Court of Manipur Rules, 2019
- 16.11.2021 Notification Regarding working hour of the Office of the Registry, High Court of Manipur for Winter Season(November to February).
- 14.11.2021 Notification Regarding the items from Sl. No. 17 to 35 of the Cause List dt. 15.11.2021 of Court No. 5 (Single Bench of Hon’ble Mr. Justice A. Bimol Singh) will not be taken up.
- 10.11.2021 Vacancy Circular for Selection for the posts of Member in the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi.
- 08.11.2021 Vacancy Circular to fill up posts in the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity.
- 05.11.2021 Notification
regarding remaining cases which were rescheduled on 26th October 2021 before Hon'ble Justice MV Muralidaran will be listed after Vacation.
- 29.10.2021 Notification
regarding remaining cases which were rescheduled on 26th October 2021 before Hon'ble Justice MV Muralidaran will be listed after Vacation.
- 28.10.2021 Gazette Notification regarding designation of the Court of CJM, Imphal East as the Special Court for the State of Manipur.
- 25.10.2021 Order
regarding constitution of Committees of the High Court of Manipur.
- 22.10.2021 Order
regarding absorption of 5(five) Contractual eCourts Technical Manpower as System Officer in the High Court of Manipur.
- 21.10.2021 Order
regarding the promotion of Shri Wahengbam Basudev Singh, System Assistant to System Officer, High court of Manipur.
- 14.10.2021 Notification
regarding the Amendment to Rule II of the High Court of Manipur Case Management Rules, 2019
- 11.10.2021 Notification
regarding the High Court of Manipur Criminal Rules and Orders, 2021
- 11.10.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V. Muralidaran will not hold the Court on 21st and 22nd October, 2021
- 06.10.2021 Notification
regarding constitution of Vacation Court of Hon'ble Mr. Justice A Bimol Singh on 18th October, 2021.
- 06.10.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V. Muralidaran will not hold the Court on 11th October, 2021.
- 06.10.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir will not hold the Court on 11th October, 2021.
- 06.10.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir will not hold the Court on 11th October, 2021.
- 06.10.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the Court on 8th and 11th October, 2021.
- 06.10.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No. 131 dated 22-09-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the context of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 01.10.2021 Order
regarding the enhancement of the wages for Daily Wagers (Driver).
- 29.09.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh and Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V Muralidaran will not hold the Court on Friday, 1st October, 2021.
- 25.09.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh will not hold the Court on Monday, 27th September, 2021.
- 25.09.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh will not hold the Court on Monday, 27th September, 2021.
- 22.09.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the Court from 24th September to 1st October, 2021.
- 22.09.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No. 129 dated 07-09-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 20.09.2021 Notification
regarding extension of the time period for completion of the work for Scanning/Digitizing/Storage/Integrated/Retrieval of case files.
- 18.09.2021 Notification
regarding Links and IDs of the Court Rooms for Cisco Webex VC Software.
- 17.09.2021 Notification
regarding Court fees (Manipur Amendment) Act, 2021.
- 15.09.2021 Notification
regarding "Periodic Rotational Transfer Policy" for the Officers and Staff of High Court of Manipur.
- 10.09.2021 Notification
regarding a reference on sudden demise of Shri Kh Bor Singh, Advocate, High Court of Manipu on 13 Sept.,2021.
- 07.09.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No. 128 dated 21-08-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 04.09.2021 Notification
regarding a reference on sudden demise of Shri Okram Madhuchandra Singh, Advocate, Chairman of the Bar Council of Manipur.
- 02.09.2021 Notification
regarding Hon'ble Justice MV Muralidaran will not hold the Court from 3rd to 14th September, 2021.
- 01.09.2021 Notification
regarding the extension of service of Shri K. Brajakumar Sharma as Joint Diector, MJA.
- 31.08.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the Court on 3rd, 6th and 7th September, 2021.
- 28.08.2021 Notification
regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the Court on 31st August,2021 and Hon'ble Justice MV Muralidaran will not hold the Court on 31st Aug.2021, 1st and 2nd Sept. 2021.
- 26.08.2021 Notification
regarding High Court Level Monitoring Committee for the state of Manipur for monitoring the
centrally sponsored Scheme.
- 21.08.2021 Notification regarding the cases to be listed on 18th and 19th August,2021 of the Hon'b'le Chief Justice and 19th,20th,23rd and 24th August,2021 of Hon'ble Mr. Justice M V Muralidaran has been rescheduled
- 18.08.2021 Notification regarding the cases to be listed on 18th and 19th August,2021 of the Hon'b'le Chief Justice and 19th,20th,23rd and 24th August,2021 of Hon'ble Mr. Justice M V Muralidaran has been rescheduled
- 09.08.2021 Notification
regarding the Court sitting timing of Hon'ble Mr. Justice M V Muralidaran has been changed for today at 3.00 P.M.
- 08.08.2021 Notification
regarding the functioning of Court proceedings including Video conferencing during this
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 04.08.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No. 125 dated 28-07-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 28.07.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No. 124 dated 16-07-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 27.07.2021 Notification
regarding cases listed on 27/07/21 in division bench of the Hon'ble Chief Justice and Hon'ble Justice Kh. Nobin Singh are to be listed on 28/07/21 before another bench.
- 22.07.2021 Notification
regarding extension of contractual period for technical manpower of the CPC team.
- 16.07.2021 Notification
regarding reconstitution of State Court Management System Committee.
- 16.07.2021 Notification
regarding reconstitution of State Court Management System Committee.
- 16.07.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No. 121 dated 10-07-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 15.07.2021 Notification
regarding alternate video Conferencing Application for Court proceeding in the High Court of Manipur.
- 10.07.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No. 119 dated 01-07-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 09.07.2021 Notification
regarding to constitute a sub Committee to prepare draft rules for considering the draft Criminal Rules on practice, 2021.
- 01.07.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No. 115 dated 11-06-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 22.06.2021 Notification regarding the Vacation Court during the Summer Vaction starting from 23rd June to 3rd July, 2021.
- 18.06.2021 Notification
regarding directions to all the Magistrates dealing with complaints under S.138 of negotiable instruments act, 1881.
- 11.06.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No.112 dated 29-05-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 02.06.2021 Notification regarding extension of engagement of Shri Maisnam Loiyalakpa as lecturer (on contract basis) for MJA.
- 31.05.2021 Notification Regarding Constitution Of Disaster Management Committee Of High Court.
- 31.05.2021 Notification Regarding Constitution Of Disaster Management Committee Of District Courts.
- 29.05.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No.111 dated 17-05-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 17.05.2021 Corrigendum regarding Notification No.111 dated 17-05-2021.
- 17.05.2021 In continuation of
earlier Notification
No.109 dated 08-05-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 11.05.2021 Notification regarding Committee for implimentation of 'Arrear Eradication Scheme' of the Malimath Committee.
- 08.05.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No.108 dated 06-05-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 06.05.2021 In
continuation of
earlier Notification
No.107 dated 30-04-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 04.05.2021 Notification regarding The High Court of Manipur Officers and Employees Recruitment and conditions of Service (Classification, Control, Appeal and Conduct) Rules,2020.
- 30.04.2021 Notification regarding suspension of the
normal functioning of High Court of Manipur in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
and directions of Hon'ble The Chief
- 27.04.2021 Notification regarding to sanction for reimbursement towards the purchase of toiletary and sanitary items.
- 16.04.2021 In
suppression of
earlier Notifification
No.104 dated 10-03-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur to regulate
working of Court in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 15.04.2021 Inputs, feedback and suggestions on the vision document for eCourts Project Phase III is sought from the citizens of India
- 07.04.2021 Notification regarding the High Court of Manipur will be Holiday on 12th April, 2021.
- 06.04.2021 Notification regarding calling for application to fill up the vacant posts of Member(Judicial) in the Andhra Pradesh State Commission.
- 06.04.2021 Notification regarding calling for application to fill up the vacant posts of Member(Non Judicial) in the Andhra Pradesh State Commission.
- 27.03.2021 Notification regarding "The Gender Sensitization and Sexual Harrasment of Women (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Regulations, 2014" to District Courts of Manipur.
- 25.03.2021 Advertisement for the posts of Consultants on a contractual basis in Lokpal of India at various levels.
- 20.03.2021 Notification regarding Cause list for 22nd March 2021.
- 18.03.2021 Notification regarding listing of cases which are presently lying dormant
- 17.03.2021 Notification regarding wearing of Advocate gowns in the High Court of Manipur is dispensed.
- 10.03.2021 In
suppression of
earlier Notifification
No.102 dated 02-03-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur to regulate
working of Court in the contex of
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 08.03.2021 Notification regarding the High Court of Manipur Officers and Employees Recruitment and Conditions of Services( Classification, Control, Appeal and Conduct) Rules, 2020.
- 04.03.2021 Notification regarding sanction of payment of daily wages
- 04.03.2021 Notification regarding service extension for Joint Director, Manipur Judicial Academy
- 02.03.2021 In
continuation of and in
partial modification of
earlier Notifification
No.98 dated 14-01-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur to regulate
working of Court during
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 16.02.2021 Notification regarding filling the post of Member(Legal) in Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB).
- 13.02.2021 Corrigendum regarding the Notification No. 99 on COVID-19 pandemic.
- 12.02.2021 In
continuation of and in
partial modification of
earlier Notifification
No.98 dated 14-01-2021
issued by the High Court
of Manipur to regulate
working of Court during
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the Directions.
- 11.02.2021 Notification
regarding listing of case No.WP(C)999/2019 before
division bench of Hon'ble Mr. Justice KH.Nobin &
Hon'ble Mr. Justice MV.Muralidaran
- 20.01.2021 Notification
regarding the
Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S.
Jamir will not hold the
Court on
- 14.01.2021 In
continuation of and in
partial modification of
earlier Notifification
No.95 dated 30-11-2020
issued by the High Court
of Manipur to regulate
working of Court during
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 05.01.2021 Vacancy
Circular regarding
the application for the
post of under secretary
in the office of the
Supreme Court Legal
Services Committee.
- 29.12.2020 Advertisement
regarding the
direct recruitment to
the Uttar Pradesh Higher
Judicial Service-2020.
- 23.12.2020 Notification
regarding the
Winter Vacation Court
- 22.12.2020 Notification
regarding the
cases listed before
single bench of Hon'ble
Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir
22-12-2020 will be
listed before Hon'ble
Mr. Justice A. Bimaol
- 22.12.2020 Notification
regarding the
Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S.
Jamir will not hold the
court sitting on
22-12-2020 to
- 18.12.2020 Notification
regarding fees
for Standing
Counsel/Counsel for the
High Court of Manipur.
- 07.12.2020 Notification
reference on sudden
demise of Mr. L.
Nandakumar Singh, Sr.
Advocate and
former President of the
High Court Bar
Association Manipur.
- 03.12.2020 Notification
National Lok Adalat for
High Court of Manipur.
- 30.11.2020 In
continuation of and in
partial modification of
earlier Notifification
No.93 dated 06-11-2020
issued by the High Court
of Manipur to regulate
working of Court during
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 06.11.2020 In
continuation of and in
partial modification of
earlier Notifification
No.89 dated 05-10-2020
issued by the High Court
of Manipur to regulate
working of Court during
COVID-19 pandemic
Hon'ble The Chief
Justice is
pleased to issue the
- 06.11.2020 Notification
regarding to
discontinue the sending
Memo for citation to
- 06.11.2020 Notification
Autumn vacation court,
- 22.10.2020 Notification regarding Puja vacation court, 2020
- 20.10.2020 Notification regarding
reference on sudden demise of Mr. L. Sando Singh,Advocate Mr. Th. Manao
Singh,Advocate Ms. Y Romola Devi, Advocate and Md. Ismail Khan, Advocate.
- 05.10.2020 In continuation of and in partial modification of earlier Notifification No.82 dated 01-09-2020
issued by the High Court of Manipur to regulate working of Court during
COVID-19 pandemic Hon'ble The Chief Justice is pleased to issue the
- 05.10.2020 Advertisement about the Online Course on Commercial and Business Laws.
- 01.10.2020 HCBAM letter dated
01/10/2020 regarding views and suggestion of Court sitting.
- 26.09.2020 HCBAM letter dated 26/09/2020 requesting adjournment of Court Proceeding till 5th October,2020.
- 26.09.2020 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir is being in self isolation.
- 26.09.2020 Notification regarding the partial modification of earlier Notification No.82 dated 01-09-2020 and Notifocation No.85 dated 15-09-2020.
- 21.09.2020 Notification regarding the regular Court proceeding will be suspended till Friday, 25-09-2020 for High Court of Manipur.
- 18.09.2020 Addendum of Notification no. HCM/1/96/BENCH/13337 dated 17th September 2020.
- 17.09.2020 Notification regarding the suspension of normal Court sitting till 21-09-2020 for High Court of Manipur.
- 16.09.2020 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. jamir will not hold the court sitting on 17-09-2020.
- 16.09.2020 Notification regarding the deleting items from the casuse list of Dated 17-09-2020.
- 14.09.2020 Notification of partial modification of earlier notification relating to unlisted cases Cril. Appeals.
- 11.09.2020 Notification regarding the Tentative Case List/ Advance Case List
- 07.09.2020 Notification regarding the unlisted cases pertaining to Cril. Appeal to be listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice MV Muralidaran.
- 05.09.2020 Notification regarding the required information to be submitted for e-Filing.
- 01.09.2020 In continuation of and in partial modification of earlier Notifification No.74 and 76 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 Hon'ble The Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 01.09.2020 Notification regarding the listing of MPSC,2016 Examination related MC Revision Petitions on 3rd September, 2020.
- 26.08.2020 Notification regarding to file petition/appeal/ application/affidafit and other documents by email to the High Court of Manipur.
- 22.08.2020 In suppression of earlier notification No.55 dated 08-04-2020 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 21.08.2020 Notification regarding the transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service Grade I & II.
- 19.08.2020 Notification regarding the portfolio Judges of the Courts in the Districts of Manipur.
- 17.08.2020 In continuation of and partial modification of earlier Notifification No.74 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 17.08.2020 Notification regarding the causelist of Hon'ble Mr Justice MV Muralidaran for dated 18-08-2020.
- 11.08.2020 Notification regarding the list of cases related to service matter(Transfer) which will be listed before Hon'ble Mr Justice A. Bimol Singh.
- 07.08.2020 In continuation of and partial modification of earlier Notifification No.73 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 31.07.2020 In continuation of and partial modification of earlier Notifification No.72 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 29.07.2020 Notifification regarding EL.PET. No. 4/2017 and EL.PET. No. 8/2017 along with connected applications.
- 23.07.2020 In continuation of and partial modification of earlier Notifification No. 71 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 10.07.2020 In continuation of and partial modification of earlier Notifification No.66 and 70 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 06.07.2020 In continuation of and partial modification of earlier Notifification No.66 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions
- 05.07.2020 Corrigendum regarding the cause list dated 6th July, 2020 for Court No.2 before the Hon'ble Mr.Justice Lanusungkum Jamir.
- 04.07.2020 In continution of earlier notification No. 42 dated 08.02.2019 [Chapter -II: High Court of Manipur Rules, 2019 relating to Constitution of the Benches] Hon'ble Chief justice is pleased to issue the order.
- 19.06.2020 Notification regarding the Vacation Court during the ensuing Summer Vacation staring from 22nd June,2020 to 4th July,2020
- 19.06.2020 Notification regarding the cancellation of Supplementary Cause List dated 19-06-2020 for Court No.3 before the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh.
- 17.06.2020 In continuation of and partial modification of earlier Notifification No.63 and 64 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 15.06.2020 Notifification regarding High Court of Manipur (Video Conferencing for Courts) Rules, 2020.
- 10.06.2020 In partial modification of earlier Notifification No.63 issued dated 02-06-2020 by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 02.06.2020 In continuation and in partial modification of earlier Notififications 53, 54,56,57,59,60, 61 & 62 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 19.05.2020 In continuation and in partial modification of earlier Notififications 53, 54,56,57,59,60 & 61 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the Directions.
- 18.05.2020 In continuation and in partial modification of earlier Notififications 53, 54,56,57,59 & 60 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to extend the arrangement issued in the earlier notifications.
- 05.05.2020 In continuation and in partial modification of earlier Notififications 53, 54,56,57 & 59 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice and judge committee is pleased to issue the directions.
- 30.04.2020 In continuation of earlier Notififications issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to extend the arrangement made in notification no.56 and 57.
- 21.04.2020 In continuation of earlier Notififications issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to extend the arrangement made in notification no.56
- 14.04.2020 In continuation of and partial modification of earlier Notifification no.54 and 55 of the High Court of Manipur issued to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the directions.
- 09.04.2020 Checkpoints regarding email filing & Court proceeding through Video Confereencing.
- 08.04.2020 Notifification regarding Guidelines for email filing & Court Procedings through Video Conferencing in High Court and District Court/Tribunal during COVID-19 Pandemic.
- 30.03.2020 In continuation of Notifification no. 49,50,51 and 53 of the High Court of Manipur issued to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the directions.
- 23.03.2020 In continuation of Notifification no. 49,50 and 51 of the High Court of Manipur issued to combat spreading of COVID-19 and Hon'ble Chief Justice is pleased to issue the directions.
- 19.03.2020 Notification regarding COVID-19 - Effective prevention of Corona Virus Disease in the High Court and District Court premises- Introduction of 50% reduction of attendance of the Staff.
- 18.03.2020 Notification in continuation to the High Court of Manipur Notification/Advisory of even number dated 14th march 2020.
- 16.03.2020 Notification regarding the partial modification of Bench Constitution notification dated 04-03-2020 since Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh will be on leave on 17-03-2020.
- 14.03.2020 Notification regarding the outbreak of Corona Virus(COVID19) and Health Advisory issued for the High Court of Manipur and District Courts
- 06.03.2020 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold court on 16th and 17th March, 2020
- 05.03.2020 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold court on 06.03.2020
- 29.02.2020 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr.Justice M.V. Muralidaran will not hold court w.e.f 02.03.2020 to 06.03.2020
- 24.02.2020 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold Court w.e.f. 25-02-2020 to 28-02-2020
- 18.02.2020 Notification regarding the amendment of Section 439 of the Code of Criminal procedure, 1973.
- 13.02.2020 Notification regarding the Single Bench of Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the Court on 14th Feb. 2020.
- 10.02.2020 Notification regarding delegation of certain powers and duties to the Registrar (Judicial)
- 04.02.2020 Notification regarding the Special Division Bench comprising of Hon'ble Chief Justice and Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir on 05-02-2020.
- 28.01.2020 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the Court on 30th January and 31st January, 2020.
- 24.01.2020 Circular regarding direction to all the presiding Officers of the Subordinte Courts of Manipur to appoint Advocate Commissioner
- 23.01.2020 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat for the High Court of Manipur to be held on 8th February,2020
- 06.01.2020 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V. Muralidaran will not hold court w.e.f 13.01.2020 to 17.01.2020
- 18.12.2019 Notification regarding the Winter Vacation for the High Court of Manipur and sitting of Vacation Courts.
- 17.12.2019 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh will not hold the Court on 18.12.2019.
- 11.12.2019 Notification regarding timing and venue for the programme for Process Servers/Bailiff and CIS Data Entry Operators on the use of NSTEP application of Mobile phone on 12-12-2019.
- 09.12.2019 Notification regarding timing and venue for the programme for Process Servers/Bailiff and CIS Data Entry Operators on the use of NSTEP application of Mobile phone on 12-12-2019.
- 05.12.2019 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir will not hold the Court on 06.12.2019 and 07.12.2019.
- 03.12.2019 Notification regarding Mention Memo Format.
- 03.12.2019 Notification regarding Court sitting on 07.12.2019.
- 02.12.2019 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh will not hold the Court on 04.12.2019.
- 02.12.2019 Notification regarding the information to be furnished by the concerned parties and the learned Counsel at the time of Case filing for SMS Service of the High Court of Manipur.
- 30.11.2019 Notification regarding Hon'ble the Chief Justice will not hold Court on 02.12.2019, both for Division Bench and Single Bench.
- 22.11.2019 Notification regarding the Appointment of Nodal Officer for Cordination with Department of Justice, Ministry of Law and Justice for celebaration of Constitution Day
- 21.11.2019 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold the Court tomorrow dated 22nd November, 2019.
- 20.11.2019 Notification regarding National Lok Adalat for High Court of Manipur to be held on 14th December,2019.
- 18.11.2019 Notification regarding order dated 12.11.2019 passed in MFA/2/2018
- 16.11.2019 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh will not hold court on 18th November,2019.
- 13.11.2019 Notification regarding listing of WP(C) other than service matter pertaining to 2016 to 2019 will be listed before Hon'ble Mr Justice M.V.Muralidaran.
- 07.11.2019 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period from 11-11-2019 to 16-11-2019.
- 06.11.2019 Notification regarding partial modification in the Bench Constitution since Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold Single and Division bench on 07-11-2019 and 08-11-2019
- 03.11.2019 Notification regarding partial modification in the Bench Constitution since Hon'ble Chief Justice will not hold Single and Division bench on 04-11-2019,05-11-2019 and 06-11-2019
- 09.10.2019 Notification regarding the inviting sealed rate quotations for supply of 25 (Twentyfive) nos. of Desktop Computer
- 03.10.2019 Notification regarding opening of technical bid for e-tender No.HCM/I-1/2017-Estt.II/for Supply,testing, installation and Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for District Court complexes of Manipur
- 26.09.2019 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Chief Justice, High Court of Manipur will not hold the Court on 27th Sept. 2019
- 25.09.2019 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period of 03-10-2019 & 04-10-2019.
- 25.09.2019 Notification regarding the resolution of the Hon'ble Full Court Meeting held on 24-09-2019, 1st October 2019 is declared as High Court Holiday
- 19.09.2019 Notification for filling up of 3(Three) Members of High Court Legal Services Committee, High Court of Manipur
- 18.09.2019 Notification regarding filing of any petition/ appeal/application/affidavit or any other documents to the High Court of Manipur
- 13.09.2019 Notification Regarding Bench Constitution on 16-09-2019 for the Hon'ble Judges of the High Court of Manipur
- 06.09.2019Notification regarding the cases fixed on 9th September 2019 before Hon'ble Justice M.V Muralidaran shall be posted on 11th September 2019
- 04.09.2019 Notification regarding the Award of Contract for supply, install, configure and commissioning of 18 nos. of servers
- 03.09.2019 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat for the High Court of Manipur on 14th September 2019
- 02.09.2019 Notification regarding court sitting of Division bench comprising of Hon'ble Chief justice and Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir on 3rd Sept 2019
- 31.08.2019 Notification regarding there will be no single Bench and Division Bench comprising of Hon'ble Chief Justice on 02.09.2019
- 21.08.2019 Notification regarding partial modification in the earlier Order No.41 bearing No.HCM/C-5412013-RC(J), dated 22nd May, 2019
- 19.08.2019 Notification regarding the special Division bench constituted on 21st August'19 comprising of Hon'ble Mr. Justice L. S. Jamir and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh
- 17.08.2019 Notification regarding the list of cases for verification
- 14.08.2019 Notification regarding the reposting of cases fixed by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin singh And Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V Muralidaran
- 14.08.2019 Notification regarding there will be no single Bench of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh on 16th and 17th August 2019 and the Division Bench of 16th August 2019 also being changed.
- 14.08.2019 Notification regarding there will be no single Bench of Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V Muralidaran on 14th, 16th and 17th August 2019
- 02.08.2019 Circular regarding direction to verify as to whether proper notices have been served to the respondents
- 31.07.2019 Notification regarding the Division Bench comprising of the Hon'ble Chief Justice and Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V. Muralidaran will sit on 01.08.2019 at 10:30 A.M.
- 29.07.2019 Notification regarding Division Bench comprising of the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Lanusungkum Jamir and Hon'ble Mr.Justice Kh. Nobin Singh will hold at 2:00 p.m. today(Dated 29.07.2019)
- 27.07.2019 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V. Muralidaran will sit at 2:00 p.m. instead of 10:30 a.m. on 29.07.2019
- 26.07.2019 Notification regarding the cases that listed before Hon,ble Chief Justice on 29-07-2019 & 30-07-2019 will be heard on 31-07-2019 & 01-08-2019 respectively.
- 24.07.2019 Notification regarding the PIL matters will be listed before the division Bench led by Hon,ble Chief Justice
- 19.07.2019 Notification regarding the Single Bench of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh will hold at 11 A.M. tomorrow dated 20th July, 2019
- 15.07.2019 Notification regarding the modified Bench Constitution for the periods of 16th July to 20th July,2019
- 15.07.2019 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.V. Muralidaran shall not hold the Court from today dated 15-07-2019 to 28-07-2019
- 09.07.2019 Circular to give priority in disposal of old pending cases which are over 5-10 years
- 05.07.2019 Notification regarding National Lok Adalat for the High Court of Manipur will be held on 13th July 2019
- 03.07.2019 Notification regarding Single Bench of Hon'ble the Chief Justice will not sit Court on 5th July 2019
- 19.06.2019 Notification regarding Award of contract for projector with Screen and UPS 600VA for High Court of Manipur
- 11.06.2019 Notification regarding Summer Vacation for the High Court of Manipur
- 11.06.2019 Notification regarding Vacation Courts, 2019 for the High Court of Manipur
- 06.06.2019 Notification regarding half day leave of Hon'ble Mr Justice Kh. Nobin Singh on 7th June 2019.
- 04.06.2019 Notification regarding nominated Nodal Officer in connection with CPIS of MJS Officers as well as the employees of the Subordinate Courts of Manipur.
- 04.06.2019 Notification regarding changes of court sittings on 6th and 7th of June 2019
- 01.06.2019 Notification regarding proposing the cases which are pending for over 5-10 years on priority basis.
- 31.05.2019 Notification regarding opening of financial bid for the e-tender no. HCM/E-43/2016Estt./Pt.-I/ Vol.-VIIC
- 30.05.2019 Notification regarding the Registrar(Judl.) and Assistant Registrar-I are authorised by the High Court of Manipur for digitally sign the judicial orders on behalf of the concerned Hon'ble Judges
- 27.05.2019 Notification regarding the cases to be listed before Division Bench comprising of Hon'ble Mr. Justice L Jamir and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh on 31st May 2019
- 24.05.2019 Notification regarding the cases to be listed before Division Bench comprising of Hon'ble Mr. Justice L Jamir and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh on 31st May 2019
- 22.05.2019 Order regarding Constitution of the Committees of the High Court of Manipur
- 21.05.2019 Notification regarding timing of court sitting of Division Bench comprising of Hon'ble Chief Justice & Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh
- 21.05.2019 Notification regarding sitting of Special Division Bench comprising of Hon'ble Mr Justice L.S Jamir & Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh
- 21.05.2019 Notification regarding change of Court room for Single Bench of Hon'ble Mr Justice Kh. Nobin Singh
- 07.05.2019 Notification regarding changes in the sitting of Hon'ble Judges
- 06.05.2019 Notification regarding general instructions to all the learned counsel and concerned parties
- 04.05.2019 Notification regarding Training on use of Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) by Judicial Officers
- 03.05.2019 Notification regarding relisting of category of cases which was listed before Hon'ble Mr Justice M.V. Muralidaran
- 03.05.2019 Notification regarding Hon'ble Mr Justice M.V. Muralidaran's leave
- 27.04.2019 Notification regarding empanelment of Advocates as Panel Lawyers of High Court Legal Services Committee(HCLSC)
- 27.04.2019 Notification regarding Award of contract for supply, installation and maintenance of 1(one) no. of Justice Clock (Video Wall/Electronic Display)
- 24.04.2019 Corrigendum for supply, Testing, lnstallation and Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System.
- 12.04.2019 Notice inviting sealed rate quotation for supply of Desktop PC, Multi Function Duplex Laser
Printer, UPS 600VA, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, Wifi Router, Pendrive
and Power Extension Cord from the reputed firms
- 12.04.2019 Notice inviting sealed rate quotation for supply of Printer Cartridge/Tonner from the reputed firms
- 12.04.2019 Notice inviting sealed rate quotation for supply of Stationery Items from the reputed firms
- 10.04.2019 Corrigendum regarding the extension of opening of Technical bid for eTender Notification No. HCM/I-1/2007-Estt-II
- 09.04.2019 General instruction issued in connection with the listing of cases in Division Bench
- 09.04.2019 Notification regarding the Court No.1 will not be holding Court on 15th April, 2019.
- 09.04.2019 Notification regarding Bench Constitution for the period from 29th Apr 2019 to 4th May 2019
- 09.04.2019 Notification regarding Bench Constitution for the period of 15/04/2019 to 17/04/2019 and for the period of 24/04/2019 to 27/04/2019
- 09.04.2019 Notification regarding the changes in Court Sitting of Hon'ble Judges
- 08.04.2019 Notification regarding the reschedule of Division Bench comprising of Hon'ble Chief Justice and Hon'ble Mr. justice Lanusungkhum Jamir
- 05.04.2019 Notification regarding the holidays for the Courts in connection with forthcoming 17th Lok Sabha Election 2019
- 02.04.2019 Notification regarding the nominated as portfolio Judge(s) for the Districts of Manipur
- 02.04.2019 Notification regarding non sitting of Court for Justice L Jamir for first half of 3rd April 2019
- 30.03.2019 Notification Regarding Bench Constitution for the period from 1st to 5th April 2019
- 28.03.2019 Corrigendum regarding eTender no. HCM/I-1/2017-Estt-II for supply, testing, installation and maintenance of CCTV surveillance system for Courts
- 28.03.2019 Notification Regarding Appointment order of Shri Alek Muivah as Joint Registrar(Judl) for High Court of Manipur
- 28.03.2019 Notification Regarding Appointment order of Shri W Tonen meitei as Registrar(Judl) for High Court of Manipur
- 20.03.2019 Notification regarding reference on sudden demise of Mr. Kh. Manihar Singh, Advocate
- 20.03.2019 Notification regarding Justice MV Muralidaran will be on leave from 28th March to 30th March 2019
- 18.03.2019 Notification regarding Hon'ble Justice M. V. Muralidaran assumed charge of Judge, High Court of Manipur
- 15.03.2019 Notification regarding Roster of bench sitting
- 15.03.2019 Notification regarding Transfer and Posting of Manipur Judicial Service officers
- 08.03.2019 Notification regarding date of joining and reporting officers for the Selected LDA for the Subordinate Courts of Manipur
- 06.03.2019 Notification regarding extension order of Joint Director, Manipur Judicial Academy
- 06.03.2019 Notification regarding High Court of Manipur Rules,2019
- 06.03.2019 Notification regarding Download of Admit card for recuitment of Driver
- 22.02.2019 Notification regarding retaining service of 3(three)Judicial Officers
- 19.02.2019 Download Tender Document for supplying, Testing,Installation and Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for various District Court Complexes of Manipur
- 19.02.2019 Notice inviting tender for supplying, Testing,Installation and Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for various District Court Complexes of Manipur
- 14.02.2019 Notification regarding Hon'ble The Chief Justice is on leave for today dated 14th Feb.2019
- 05.02.2019 Notification regarding non court sitting of Honb'le Justice Kh Nobin Singh on 6th Feb 2019
- 05.02.2019 Notification regarding Divison Bench of Honb'le Justice Jamir and Honb'le Justice Kh Nobin Singh for today
- 04.02.2019 Notification regarding non court sitting of Honb'le The Chief Justice on 4th Feb 2019
- 17.01.2019 Notification regarding Supplementary Causelist dated 17th Jan. 2019 of Hon'ble Justice Lanusungkum Jamir
- 10.01.2019 Tender Document of e-tender for supply, install, configure and commissioning of projector with screen, external HDD and UPS for the Sub-Ordinate Courts and MJA
- 10.01.2019 Notification of e-tender for supply, install, configure and commissioning of projector with screen, external HDD and UPS for the Sub-Ordinate Courts and MJA
- 31.12.2018 Notification regarding Award of Contract for supply, testing, installation and maintenance of Computer and LAN Equipment for the Sub-Ordinate Courts, MJA and DLSA
- 29.12.2018 Corrigendum for extension of last date for procurement of video conferencing equipment for subordinate Courts and MJA
- 19.12.2018 Notification for Submission of Budget Proposal to all District and Special Courts of Manipur
- 19.12.2018 Notification for making a roster of staff during vacation
- 18.12.2018 Notification for conferment of power of a Judicial Majistrate First Class to MJS III Officers
- 18.12.2018 Corrigendum regarding Vacation Court
- 15.12.2018 Order regarding Transfer and posting of MJS Grade-III Officers
- 14.12.2018 Notification regarding Opening of Financial Bid of eTender for Supply, Install, configure and commissioning of Servers
- 05.12.2018 Notification regarding Award of Contract for Scanning and digitization of case files for High Court and Subordinate Courts
- 17.12.2018 Notification regarding Vacation Court
- 17.12.2018 Notification regarding Winter Vacation 2018-19
- DownLoad Tender Document invited for Supply,
Install, configure and Commissioning of Studio based VC
equipment and Desktop based VC equipment for various
Sub-ordinate Courts and MJA.
- 01.12.2018 Notice invited for Supply,
Install, configure and Commissioning of Studio based VC
equipment and Desktop based VC equipment for various
Sub-ordinate Courts and MJA.
- 30.11.2018 Notice regarding Bail Application
- 19.11.2018 Notification regarding Award of contract for Installing,commissioning, maintenance including cabling of DG Sets
- 12.11.2018 Notification regarding assumption of charge by Hon'ble Mr.Justice L.S.Jamir as Judge, High Court of Manipur
- 12.11.2018 Corrigendum of eTender for Supply, install, configure and commissioning of Server (Rack and Pedestal)
- 12.11.2018 Corrigendum of eTender for Supply, installation and maintenance of Justice Clock
- 02.11.2018 Notification for inviting seal rate quotations for supply of Desktop PC, Multi Function Laser Printer, UPS 600VA, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse and USB Pen drives.
- 02.11.2018 Notification regarding the Extension of the Director, Manipur Judicial Academy
- 30.10.2018 Notification regarding the Autumn Vacation Court
- 29.10.2018 Notification regarding Special bench of Hon'ble The Chief justice and Hon'ble Justice Kh. Nobin Singh for today dated 29-10-2018
- 27.10.2018 Notification regarding nominated as Portfolio Judges for the Districts of Manipur
- 27.10.2018 Notification regarding Computer committee High Court of Manipur
- 26.10.2018 Notification regarding opening of Financial Bid for e-tender No.HCM/E-36/2016Estt/ for scanning/digitizing/storage
- 12.10.2018 Notification regarding Name of the Committees constituted of the High Court of Manipur
- 08.10.2018 Circular to the Presiding Officers of Subordinate Courts of Manipur
- 05.10.2018 Tender Document for supply,install and maintenance of 1 no. of Justice Clock (Video Wall/Electronic Display Board)
- 05.10.2018 Notice inviting e-Tender for supply,install and maintenance of 1 no. of Justice Clock(Video Wall/Electronic Display Board)
- 05.10.2018 Tender Document for supply,install,configure and commissioning of 18 nos. of Servers(Rack and Pedestal)
- 05.10.2018 Notice inviting e-Tender for supply,install,configure and commissioning of 18 nos. of Servers(Rack and Pedestal)
- 22.9.2018 Notificaion regarding SWAN connectivity to different Court Complexes
- 21.9.2018 Notificaion regarding committee for site preparation of JSC cum CFC for Senapati Court Complex
- 21.9.2018 Notificaion regarding committee for site preparation of JSC cum CFC for Ukhrul Court Complex
- 21.9.2018 Notificaion regarding committee for site preparation of JSC cum CFC for Moreh Court Complex
- 31.8.2018 Induction Training for the newly appointed Principal Magistrates, juvenile justice Board
- 21.8.2018 Notification regarding presentation(s) by bidders for Scanning and Digitization of Case files
- 18.8.2018 Notification regarding postponement of the auction sale of Vehicles
- 10.8.2018 Notification regarding web link of judgment available in High Court official website
- 27.7.2018 Details of tender for auction sale of 4(four) condemend vehicles of the High Court of Manipur.
- 27.7.2018 Notice inviting sealed tenders from the intending purchasers for auction sale of 4(four) condemned vehicles of the High Court of Manipur.
- 25.7.2018 Notification regarding Opening of Financial Bid of Tender No. HCM/E-43/2016Estt./Pt.-I/Vol.-VB/17233
- 23.7.2018 Notification regarding constitution of Arrear Committee for monitoring the disposal of cases in Subordinate Courts and High Court
- 20.7.2018 Notification regarding the MJS Grade III officers who are conferred with power of Judicial Magistrate First Class
- 20.7.2018 Notification regarding the MJS Grade III officers who are conferred with power of Judicial Magistrate First Class
- 17.7.2018 Advertisement for the post of Lower Division Assistant (LDA) in the Subordinate Courts of Manipur
- 16.7.2018 Notification regarding rejection of e-tender No. HCM/C-84/2017-Estt.-I
- 13.7.2018 Notification regarding Court Sitting for 16th July 2018
- 13.7.2018 Notification regarding opening of financial bid for Tender No.HCM/E-43/2016Estt./pt-I/vol-VI
- 10.7.2018 Notification regarding court sitting for 11th and 12th July, 2018.
- 29.6.2018 Notification for special vacation Single Bench of Hon'ble Mr Justice N.Kotiswar Singh
- 11.06.2018 Notification regarding Summer Vacation and Vacation Court Sitting.
- 31.05.2018 Corrigendum regarding transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service, Grade-I Officers
- 26.05.2018 Order regarding transfer and posting of judicial officers.
- 19.05.2018 Notification regarding constitution of Benches for 21st May to 25th May, 2018
- 18.05.2018 Notification regarding timings of Division Benches and Single Benches on 18.05.2018.
- 15.05.2018 Award of Contract for e-Tender No. 1/45/2018-MASLSA
- 15.05.2018 Notification regarding change of Court Room with effect from 16.05.2018
- 11.05.2018 Extension of last date of bid submission for eTender No.HCM/E-43/2016-Estt/Pt-I/Vol-VIIA
- 10.05.2018 Order regarding directions to the subordinate Courts in strict Adherence to the judgment of the Hon,ble Supreme Court of India
- 09.05.2018 Notification regarding Random Blood Sugar Test at the Medical Unit, High Court of Manipur.
- 05.05.2018 Corrigendum for extension of last date of bid submission for eTender no. HCM/E-43/2016-Estt/pt-I/Vol-VB
- 03.05.2018 Notification regarding opening of financial bids for tender No. 1/45120L8-MASLSA, for supply, testing and maintenance of Desktop Computers for the Manipur State Legal Services Authority.
- 30.04.2018 Notification regarding paper size to be used in Subordinate Courts during filing of petition/application etc.
- 30.04.2018 Order regarding Smt. Binny Ngangom, Judge, Family Court, Thoubal taking charge of District & Session Judge, Thoubal.
- 27.04.2018 Notification regarding timings of Division Bench and Single Benches on 30th April 2018.
- 26.04.2018 Notice inviting sealed rate quotations for supply of PRINTER CARTRIDGES/TONER.
- 20.04.2018 Notice inviting sealed rate quotations for supply of "STATIONERY ARTICLES"
- 19.04.2018 Notification regarding rate of question setter and rate of evaluation of answer script for MJS Examinations.
- 17.04.2018 Notice regarding District Courts and its Link Courts.
- 13.04.2018 Notice regarding cancellation of Division bench and a Single bench on 16th Apr. 2018
- 13.04.2018 Notice Inviting e-tender for supply, testing and maintenance of Computer and LAN equipment for sub-ordinate courts, MJA and DLSA
- 13.04.2018 Tender document of e-tender for supply, testing and maintenance of Computer and LAN equipment for sub-ordinate courts, MJA and DLSA
- 13.04.2018 Corrigendum regarding delivery and installation period for procurement of Desktop Computer for
- 09.04.2018 Notification for merger of Staffs of District Courts,Family Courts and Special Courts (ND&PS)
- 06.04.2018 Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri W. Tonen Meitei, MJS
- 04.04.2018 Tender Document for Supply, Install,
configure and Commissioning of Studio based Video Conferencing (VC)
equipment and Desktop based Video Conferencing (VC) equipment for various
Sub-ordinate Courts and MJA.
- 04.04.2018 Notice Inviting e-tender for Supply, Install,
configure and Commissioning of Studio based Video Conferencing (VC)
equipment and Desktop based Video Conferencing (VC) equipment for various
Sub-ordinate Courts and MJA.
- 28.03.2018 Corrigendum for change in technical specification and extension of last date of bid submission for eTender no. 1/45/2018-MASLSA
- 24.03.2018 Notification regarding change of Court timing for the Division bench and Single Bench.
- 16.03.2018 Notice Inviting e-tender for supply testing and maintenance of Desktop Computer of MASLSA
- 16.03.2018 Tender Document for supply testing and maintenance of Desktop Computer of MASLSA
- 15.03.2018 Notification regarding cancellation of DB comprising of Hn'ble the Acting Chief justice and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Kh. Nobin Singh on 16.03.2018.
- 14.03.2018 Notification for Vacancies of Judicial members in Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT)
- 12.02.2018 Notification regarding reply of queries received from different vendors in connection
with e-tender no. HCM/E-36/2016-Estt for scanning/digitizing/
storage/integrated retrieval of case files of High Court of Manipur
and its Subordinate Courts.
- 12.02.2018 Change in specification and extension of last date of bid submission for Scanning and Digitization of Case Records
- 28.02.2018 Corrigendum for supply, testing,
installation and maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for High Court of
- 27.02.2018 Notification regarding filing Fresh Petition(s)/Application(s)
- 26.02.2018 Notification regarding retirement of Shri Ch. Brajachand Singh, District & Sessions Judge, Bishnupur and transfer of Judicial Officers.
- 26.02.2018 Award of contract for e-Tender No.HCM/E-43/2016-Estt/pt-I/Vol-IVA
- 26.02.2018 Award of contract for e-Tender No.HCM/E-43/2016-Estt/pt-I/Vol-IVB
- 22.02.2018 Notification for extention of service of
Shri K. Brajakumar Sharma as Joint Director, Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 22.02.2018 Corrigendum for Supply, Install,
configure and Commissioning of Projector with Screen, Studio based Video Conferencing (VC)
equipment, Desktop based Video Conferencing (VC) equipment, External USB HDD (2 TB) without
External Power Adapter, External USB HDD(2 TB) with External Power Adapter and Flatbed
Scanner with Automatic Document Feeder for various Sub-ordinate Courts, Jails and MJA,
- 22.02.2018 Notification regarding change of Court room for the Division bench and Single Bench.
- 23.02.2018 Notification regarding retirement of Hon'ble Smt. Justice Abhilasha Kumari as the Chief Justice and assumption of charge by Hon'ble Mr. Justice N. Kotiswar Singh.
- 22.02.2018 Addendum regarding reference on the eve of the retirement of the Hon'ble The Chief Justice Smt. Abhilasha Kumari, High Court of Manipur.
- 20.02.2018 Corrigendum for the procurement of DG Sets for sub-ordinate courts and MJA
- 18.02.2018 Corrigendum for extension of last date for bid submission and date for opening of technical bids for the procurement of DG Sets for sub-ordinate courts and MJA
- 14.02.2018 Notification for opening of financial bid for procurement of UPS for sub-ordinate courts and DLSA
- 14.02.2018 Notification for opening of financial bid for procurement of UPS for sub-ordinate courts and MJA
- 12.02.2018 Notification regarding constitution of Benches
- 09.02.2018 Notification for Hon'ble Justice Smt. Abhilasha kumari assumed office as Chief Justice, High Court of Manipur
- 07.02.2018 Notification regarding MJS Gr.-III, 2017, Seniority list
- 07.02.2018 Public Notice
- 07.02.2018 Corrigendum regarding extension of last date for bid submission and date of opening of Technical bid for DG sets.
- Download Tender Document for supply, testing,
installation and maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for High Court of
- 06.02.2018 Notice inviting tender for supply, testing,
installation and maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for High Court of
- 06.02.2018 Notification regarding rejection of bid submitted
for the E-Tender No. HCM/C-8412017-Estt.-l for supply, testing, installation and
maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for High Court of Manipur.
- 02.02.2018 Corrigendum for scanning/digitizing/storage/ integrated retrieval of case files of High Court of Manipur and its Subordinate Courts.
- 30.01.2018 Notice inviting tender for Supply, Install,
configure and Commissioning of Projector with Screen, Studio based Video
Conferencing (VC) equipment, Desktop based Video Conferencing (VC)
equipment, External USB HDD (2 TB) without External Power Adapter, External
USB HDD(2 TB) with External Power Adapter and Flatbed Scanner with
Automatic Document Feeder for various Sub-ordinate Courts, Jails and MJA.
- 30.01.2018 Notification to retain the services of Judicial Officers.
- 27.01.2018 Notification for using A4 size paper(white) while filing petitions/applications to the High Court of Manipur
- 25.01.2018 Notification regarding change in court sitting schedules for division bench and single bench on 29 th January 2018.
- 20.01.2018 Notification regarding timing for Division Bench and Single Benches for 23rd January 2018
- 16.01.2018 Notice inviting tender procurement
of DG Sets for the Sub-Ordinate Courts and MJA in Manipur state Judiciary.
- 12.01.2018 Notice inviting tender for supply, testing,
installation and maintenance of LAN for the Sub-Ordinate Courts, MJA and
DLSA in Manipur state Judiciary.
- 12.01.2018 Corrigendum for supply, testing,installation and maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for High Court of Manipur.
- 09.01.2018 Download tender document for scanning/digitizing/storage/integrated retrieval of case files of High Court of Manipur and its Subordinate Courts.
- 09.01.2018 Notice inviting tender for scanning/digitizing/storage/integrated retrieval of case files of High Court
of Manipur and its Subordinate Courts.
- 22.01.2018 Notification to retain the service of Shri Th. Saimon Singh, MJS Grade-I.
- 22.12.2017 Notice inviting tender for supply, testing,installation and maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for High Court of Manipur.
- 21.12.2017 Notification for Award of Contract for (I) DISPLAY MONITOR WITH BASIC SHARED COMPUTING CLIENT AND CABLE and (II) EXTRA MONITOR + 2 PORT VGA/HDMI SPLITTER/EXTENSION/DISTRIBUTION UNIT for Sub-ordinate Courts in Manipur State Judiciary.
- 15.12.2017 Notification for schedule of holidays during the year 2018 for High Court
- 13.12.2017 Notification for Posting of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-III Officers
- 13.12.2017 Notification for openning of financial bid for tender No. HCM/E-43/2016Estt./Pt.-l/vol.-IA, for procurement of (i) DISPLAY MONITOR WITH BASIC SHARED COMPUTING
Manipur State Judiciary
- 07.12.2017 Corrigendum for supply, testing, installation and maintenance of LAN for the Sub-Ordinate Courts, MJA and DLSA in Manipur state Judiciary.
- 05.12.2017 Corrigendum for procurement of UPS for the Sub-ordinate Courts, MJA and DLSAs in Manipur State Judiciary.
- 29.11.2017 Notification to keep all the mobile phones on Switch Off mode while entering Court room
- 28.11.2017 Corrigendum for the procurement of UPS for the Sub-ordinate Courts, MJA and DLSA in Manipur State Judiciary.
- 22.11.2017 Regulaization of ad-hoc services of Junior Administrative Assistants
- 17.11.2017 Notification regarding case category while filing.
- 17.11.2017 Notice inviting tender for supply, testing, installation and maintenance of LAN for the Sub-Ordinate Courts, MJA and DLSA in Manipur State Judiciary.
- 13.11.2017 Notification regarding reschedule of office hour
- 07.11.2017 Public Notice
- 07.11.2017 Notice Inviting tender for supply, testing, installation and maintenance of Display Monitor with Thin Client and Extra Monitor with Splitter for the Sub-Ordinate Courts in Manipur Stte Judiciary.
- 06.11.2017 Notice inviting Tender for i) UPS for Network Rooms (2KVA) & ii) On-line UPS (10KVA)
- 06.11.2017 Notice inviting Tender for i) UPS for Lan Switches (600VA) ii) UPS for Computers (600VA) iii) UPS for VC system (1KVA)
- 25.10.2017 Notification regarding change in Court sitting schedule for 30th October 2017
- 25.10.2017 Notification regarding change in Court sitting schedule for 27th October 2017
- 14.10.2017 Notification for Award of Contract for Printers.
- 12.10.2017 Notification for transfer of Civil Judges
- 11.10.2017 Notification for constitution of Single Bench on 14 th October 2017
- 20.09.2017 Corrigendum dated 20th September,2017 for post of LDC-cum-Computer Operator,Driver and Peon for MASLSA
- 20.09.2017 Notification for openning of financial bid for tender No. HCM/E-43/2016Estt./Pt.-l/vol.-llA for the procurement of printers
- 15.09.2017 Notification for Constitution of Division and Single Bench on 16th September, 2017 to hear Criminal/Jail Appeals
- 06.09.2017 Notification to all Judicial Magistrates
- 30.08.2017 Corrigendum for procurement of (l)Duplex Laser Printer with Ethernet Port
and (ll) MFD Network Laser Printer for the Sub-ordinate Courts, MJA and DLSA in Manipur State
Judiciary under Phase-ll of eCourts project
- 10.08.2017 Tender Document for procurement of (i) Duplex Laser Printer with Ethernet Port and (ii) MFD Network Laser Printer.
- 10.08.2017 Notice inviting e-Tender for procurement of (i) Duplex Laser Printer with Ethernet Port and (ii) MFD Network Laser Printer.
- 03.08.2017 Notification to furnish full particulars while filing any affidavit.
- 02.08.2017 Notification to furnish employee service bio-data of all the courts
- 15.07.2017 Notification of Transfer and Posting of Judicial Officers
- 14.07.2017 Notification of Transfer and Posting of Judicial Officers
- 27.06.2017 Notification of transfer and posting of Judicial Officers
- 26.05.2017 Notification: Elimination Cause list dated 5th June 2017
- 19.05.2017 Notification: Launching of New CIS National Core Ver 1.0
- 06.05.2017 Notification for Sealed Rate quotation of Printer Cartridge/Toner
- 28.04.2017 Notification for Summer Vacation Courts,2017
- 26.04.2017 Notification for Sealed Rate quotation of Stationery Articles
- 26.04.2017 Notification for Sealed Rate quotation of Summer Liveries
- 20.04.2017 Notification for Award of contract for Information KIOSK
- 09.03.2017 Notification of Recruitment Committee Subordinate Court
- 10.01.2017 3rd Corringendum for Procurement of Information KIOSK for the Sub-ordinate Courts in Manipur State Judiciary
- 10.01.2017 3rd Corringendum for Procurement of Information KIOSK for the Sub-ordinate Courts in Manipur State Judiciary
- 10.01.2017 3rd Corringendum for Procurement of Information KIOSK for the Sub-ordinate Courts in Manipur State Judiciary
- 02.01.2017 2nd Corringendum for Procurement of Display, Thin client and Extra Monitor
- 02.01.2017 2nd Corringendum for Procurement of Duplex Laser Printer with Ethernet Port and MFD Network Laser Printer
- 02.01.2017 2nd Corringendum for Procurement of Information KIOSK for the Sub-ordinate Courts in Manipur State Judiciary
- 21.12.2016 Corringendum for Procurement of (I)Display Monitor with basic shared computing client (II)Extra Monitor + 2 ports VGA/HDMI splitter
- 21.12.2016 Corringendum for Procurement of (I)Duplex Laser Printer with Ethernet Port and (II)MFD Network Laser Printer
- 21.12.2016 Corringendum for Procurement of Information KIOSK for the Sub-ordinate Courts in Manipur State Judiciary
- 08.12.2016 Notice inviting e-tender for supply, testing, installation and maintenance of (I) Display Monitor (II) Duplex Laser Printer and (III) Information Kiosk
- 08.12.2016 Tender Document for Procurement of (I)Display Monitor with basic shared computing client (II)Extra Monitor + 2 ports VGA/HDMI splitter
- 08.12.2016 Tender Document for Procurement of (I)Duplex Laser Printer with Ethernet Port and (II)MFD Network Laser Printer
- 08.12.2016 Tender Document for Procurement of Information Kiosk
- 07.12.2016 Notification for Winter Vacation and Court Sittings
- 01.12.2016 Notification for Interation programme on "eCourts and Case Management"
- 19.11.2016 Partial modification of Notification of Workshop on Advocacy Skill and Mediation Technique
- 16.11.2016 Notification of Workshop on Advocacy Skill and Mediation Technique
- 24.10.2016 Notification for extension of Director Manipur Judicial Academy
- 24.10.2016 Notification for extension of Joint Director Manipur Judicial Academy
- 06.10.2016 Notification of Dismissal and Termination Rule
- 03.10.2016 Notification for Puja Vacation, 2016
- 22.09.2016 Notification of assumption of Charge of Chief Justice
- 08.09.2016 Notification for Id-Ul-Zuha (Bakrid) Holiday
- 05.08.2016 Notification for Deputy Registrar (Accounts / Planning)
- 01.08.2016 Seniority List for MJS Grade III
- 20.07.2016 Notice Inviting for Sealed Rate Quotation
- 24.06.2016 Notification for Award of Contract for the e-tender No. HCM/E-9/2016(A&E)/pt.II
- 02.05.2016 Notice Inviting Sealed Rate Quotations
- 29.04.2016 Corrigendum of e-Tender for purchase of Computer and LAN (eCourts Project Phase-II)
- 08.04.2016 Tender Document for purchase of Computer and LAN (eCourts Project Phase-II)
- 09.03.2016 Manipur Gazette Notification
- 15.02.2016 Notification for Hon'ble Mr. Justice R.R. Prasad assuming charge of the office
- 12.02.2016 Notification for transfer of Judicial Officers
- 27.01.2016 Notification for Auction of Vehicles
- 14.01.2016 Notification for transfer of Judicial Officers
- 08.01.2016 Download Tender Document for eCourts Phase II
- 17.12.2015 Notification for Vacation Courts
- 15.12.2015 Notification
- 09.12.2015 Notification
- 09.12.2015 Notification
- 09.12.2015 Notification
- 24.11.2015 Public Notice, Supreme Court of India
- 23.09.2015 Notification
- 18.09.2015 Notification
- 02.09.2015 Notification
- 29.08.2015 Office Memorandum
- 22.08.2015 Notification for DIE-IN-HARNESS Scheme
- 18.08.2015 Public Notice:Supreme Court destruction of Case Records(1986-1993)
- 18.08.2015 Notification
- 11.08.2015 Notification
- 20.07.2015 Notification for Senior Advocates
- 25.06.2015 Notification for Summer Vacation 2015
- 11.06.2015 Notification
- 19.05.2015 Notification of District Courts IE & IW
- 12.05.2015 Notification
- 05.05.2015 Notice for disbursement of DD of All Manipur VVF ex-Servicemen Assn.
- 16.04.2015 Notice Inviting Sealed Rate Quotations for Stationery
- 05.04.2015 Notification for Elected Members of 1st Bar Council of Manipur 2015
- 31.03.2015 Notice to voters of Bar Council Election for ID Proof etc.
- 04.03.2015 Constitution of Election Tribunal for Bar Council Election
- 06.02.2015 Notice Inviting Sealed Rate Quotations for Winter Liveries
- 24.01.2015 Nomination of Shri Justice Kh.Nobin Singh as Portfolio Judge
- 02.12.2014 Bar Council of Manipur- Members' List w.e.f. 2nd Dec.2014
- 01.12.2014 Notification for Spl. Bench for the National Lok Adalat
- 26.11.2014 Notification No.14 dtd.26.11.2014
- 28.10.2014 Notice for Appointment of District & Session Judge Churachandpur
- 13.10.2014 Notification for Non Court Sitting Day- Subordinarte Courts
- 27.09.2014 Notification for Non Court Sitting Day
- 26.09.2014 High Court Gender Sensitisation & Internal Complaints Committee
- 23.09.2014 Notification for Puja Vacation
- 10.07.2014 Notification No.12
- 21.06.2014 Notification No.11
- 20.06.2014 Notification for Summer Vacation 2014
- 02.06.2014 Notification for Vehicle Auction
- 08.04.2014 Order No. 9
- 07.04.2013 Notification for Main Test of Stenographers
- 07.04.2013 Notification on Schedules of Main Test of Stenographers
- 03.04.2013 Notification for estt. of 3 Family Courts
- 03.04.2013 Notification for transfer of pending cases
- 03.04.2013 Order for apptt. of new Family Court Judges Documents
- 03.04.2013 Notification for constitution of new MACTs
- 03.04.2013 Notification for transfer of pending cases
- 03.04.2013 Order for apptt. of PO for new MACTs
- 03.04.2013 Order for appointment of new Judges of NDPS Courts
- 03.04.2013 Notification for constitution of NDPS Courts.pdf
- 03.04.2013 Notification for constitution of 3 new Revenue Tribunals
- 03.04.2013 NNotification for transfer of pending cases
- 03.04.2013 Order for appointment of new Presiding Officers
- 03.04.2013 Notification for constitution of new Spl Courts (Electricity)
- 03.04.2013 Notification for transfer of pending cases
- 03.04.2013 Order for apptt. of Judge Spl.Courts (Electricity)
- 29.10.2013 Notification
- 17.10.2013 Notification
- 01.10.2013 Notification
- 27.09.2013 Notification
- 23.09.2013 Notification
- 20.09.2013 Notification
- 01.08.2013 Notification
- 31.07.2013 Office Order
- 29.07.2013 Notification
- 20.07.2013 Notification
- 17.07.2013 Notification
- 16.07.2013 Notification
- 01.04.2013 Notice by Registrar
- 28.05.2013 Notification
- 23.11.2012 Notification No. 91
- Recruitment
- 27.09.2024 Notification regarding final result of Group-D posts Recruitment Examination,2023 in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 25.09.2024 Notification regarding walk-in interview for engagement of 2(Two) eSewa Kendra Office Assistants (Contract basis) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 24.09.2024 Notification regarding reschedule of Computer Typing Test of Lower Division Assistant Recruitment Examination, 2023.
- 11.09.2024 Notification regarding postponement of Computer Typing Test of Lower Division Assistant Recruitment Examination, 2023.
- 06.09.2024 Order regarding the final result of District Judge (Entry Level) Direct Recruitment Examination 2013.
- 06.09.2024 Notification regarding cancellation of advertisement dated 18-12-2023 for recruitment of 1(one) vacant post of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I.
- 02.09.2024 Notification regarding date for conduct of computer typing test for Lower Division Assistant (LDA) recruitment examination, 2023.
- 31.08.2024 Notification regarding eligible candidates to appear the Viva Voce/Interview for recruitment of 4(Four) Group - D posts reserved for Persons with Disability (PWD).
- 27.08.2024 Notification regarding Examination venue and revised reporting time for candidates appearing Group-D Posts’ Viva-Voce/ Interview at Guwahati centre.
- 27.08.2024 Order regarding the list of Daily Wager (Attender) engaged in the High Court of Manipur.
- 23.08.2024 Order regarding Amom Thoithoi Chanu, Anoubam Dinesh Sharma, Lairenjam Paramananda Singh, Daniel Kamson and Upendro Oinam are engaged as Assistant(Daily Wager) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 23.08.2024 Order regarding Shri Salam Lemba Singh is engaged as Attender (Daily Wager) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 08.08.2024 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates for appearing in the computer typing test for Lower Division Assistant recruitment examination 2024.
- 06.08.2024 Notification regarding instruction to produce documents at the time interview for Group-D posts in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 03.08.2024 Advertisement regarding recruitment of 4 (Four) Posts of Group-D posts for Persons with Disabilities (PWD)in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 03.08.2024 Notification regarding commencement of Viva-Voce /Interview of Shortlisted candidates for recruitment of Group D Posts in the District Court of Manipur.
- 03.08.2024 Notification regarding final result of walk in examination for Assistant (Daily Wager), 2024 in the High Court of Manipur.
- 02.08.2024 Notification regarding final Answer keys for the written examination held on 23rd June, 2024 for Lower Division Assistant (LDA) in the Distict Courts of Manipur.
- 01.08.2024 Notification regarding final result of walk in examination for Attender (Daily Wager), 2024 in the High Court of Manipur.
- 01.08.2024 Notification regarding final result of walk in examination for Driver/Chauffeur (Daily Wager), 2024 in the High Court of Manipur.
- 26.07.2024 Notification regarding commencement of viva voce/inteview for recruitment to Group - D posts in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 26.07.2024 Notification regarding shortlisedt for appearing in the viva voce/ interview for engagement to the 9(nine) posts of Assistant(Daily wager).
- 25.07.2024 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates of Group - D posts’ written examination 2023 held on 23 June 2024.
- 24.07.2024 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates for appearing in viva voce/Interview for engagement to the 1(one) post of Chauffeur/Driver.
- 19.07.2024 Notification regarding the schedule of examination for the post of Assistant (daily wager), Chauffeur/Driver(daily wager) and Attender (daily wager) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 12.07.2024 Notification regarding the schedule of examination for the post of Assistant (daily wager), Chauffeur/Driver(daily wager) and Attender (daily wager) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 25.06.2024 Notification regarding Answer Key for recruitment to the post of LDA and Group -D in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 12.06.2024 Notification regarding download of Admit card and revised list of candidates for recruitment to the post of LDA and Group -D in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 12.06.2024 Notification regarding download of Admit card and revised list of candidates for recruitment to the post of LDA and Group -D in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 20.05.2024 Notification regarding schedule of written examination for recruitment to the post of LDA and Group -D in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 10.05.2024 Advertisement regarding a walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant, Chauffer/Driver and Attender of the High Court of Manipur on Dailly Wage
- 22.04.2024 Notification regarding re-opening of online form submission for the post of Lower Division Assistant (LDA) and Group D posts in the District Courts of Manipur and extension of online choice of filling for selecting exam centre at Senapati.
- 04.04.2024 Notification regarding Choice of Third Option as Examination Center for recruitment of LDA and Group D Post for District Courts.
- 08.03.2024 Notification regarding Examination Centre for recruitment of Manipur Judicial Service Grade - I.
- 08.03.2024 Notification regarding Examination Centre for recruitment of the post of Library Assistant in the High Court of Manipur.
- 27.02.2024 Notification regarding extension online choice of Examination Centre for recruitment of LDA and Group D Post for District Courts.
- 07.02.2024 Notification regarding Choice of Examination Center for recruitment of LDA for District Courts.
- 07.02.2024 Notification regarding Mode of Examination for recruitment of Group D Post for District Courts.
- 15.01.2024 Notification regarding extension of online application form submission through email for engagement to the post of Verifiers.
- 11.01.2024 Order regarding engagement of 5(Five)Technical Assistants (daily wagers) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 22.12.2023 Corrigendum regarding engagement of 5(Five)Technical Assistants(daily wagers) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 21.12.2023 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates for appearing interview for engagement of Technical Assistants (daily wagers) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 21.12.2023 Advertisement for engagement of Verifiers under the AI-Assisted Legal Translation Advisory Committee, High Court of Manipur on Work from Home basis.
- 19.12.2023 Order regarding engagement of Programme Co-ordinators on daily wage basis.
- 19.12.2023 Order regarding engagement of Programme Co-ordinators on daily wage basis.
- 19.12.2023 Order regarding engagement of Legal Researchers on daily wage basis.
- 18.12.2023 Advertisement for filling up of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I for the High Court of Manipur.
- 11.12.2023 Notification regarding font types for skill test of Technical Assistants.
- 11.12.2023 Order regarding selected candidates for appointment of the post of Research Officer in the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 08.12.2023 Notification regarding selected list for the post of engagement to the 5(five) posts of Chauffer/Driver(Daily wagers).
- 08.12.2023 Notification regarding selected list for the post of engagement Daily wagers.
- 08.12.2023 Notification regarding schedule for skill test/interview for engagement Program co-ordinator, Legal Researcher and Technical Assistant on Daily wage basis.
- 27.11.2023 Notification regarding the shortlisted for appearing in the Viva voce/ interview for the post of engagement to the 5(five) posts of Chauffer/Driver(Daily wagers).
- 22.11.2023 Notification regarding Date and time of Walk-in-Examination for engagement of Daily wagers.
- 22.11.2023 Notification regarding shortlised for viva voce/interview for the post research officer in the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 09.11.2023 Advertisement for the posts under AI-Assisted Legal Translation Advisory Committee of the High Court of Manipur on daily wage basis.
- 09.11.2023 Notification regarding walk in examination for engagement of 18 (eighteen) Daily Wagers.
- 20.10.2023 Notification regarding empanelled as Translator (on engagement basis).
- 21.08.2023 Notification regarding submission of online application for the post of LDA and Group - D posts in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 17.07.2023 Notification regarding recruitment of Academic & Administrative Staff in National Judicial Academy.
- 15.05.2023 Notification regarding online registration and submission of application form for the posts of LDA and Group -D posts in the District Courts of Manipur has been postponed.
- 28.04.2023 Notification regarding final result for recruitment of Office Assistant and Receptionist cum data entry operator under LADC scheme 2023.
- 28.04.2023 Notification regarding viva-voce/interview for recruitment of the post of Peon under LADC scheme 2023.
- 27.04.2023 Notification regarding selected cadidates for appointment to the post of Computer Assistent in the High Court of Manipur.
- 27.04.2023 Notification regarding final result for the recruitment of Chief/ Deputy/Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under LADCS 2022.
- 24.04.2023 Notification regarding Schedule for viva-voce/ interview for the post of Office Assistant and receptionist cum Data entry operator under LDACS 2022.
- 21.04.2023 Notification regarding selected list for viva-voce/ interview for the post of Deputy Legal Aid Defense Counsel under LDACS 2022.
- 21.04.2023 Notification regarding selected list for viva-voce/ interview for the post of Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under LDACS 2022.
- 19.04.2023 Advertisement for filling up of different posts in District Courts of Manipur.
- 18.04.2023 Notification regarding shortlisted for appearing Viva-voce/Interview for the post of Computer Assistant in the High Court of Manipur.
- 13.04.2023 Corrigendum regarding written examination for recruitment for the post of Chief/Deputy/Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under LADCS.
- 12.04.2023 Answer Keys regarding Researce Officer Main Examination, 2022 which was held on 4th March 2023.
- 11.04.2023 Notification regarding selected list for viva-voce/interview for the post of Receptionist-cum-Data Entry Operator under LDACS 2022.
- 11.04.2023 Notification regarding selected list for viva-voce/interview for the post of Office Assistant under LDACS 2022.
- 11.04.2023 Notification regarding Admit Card for the post of Chief/Deputy/Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under LADCS.
- 04.04.2023 Notification regarding Shortlisted candidates for computer skill test for the post of Receptionist-cum- Data Entry Operator under LADCS.
- 04.04.2023 Notification regarding Shortlisted candidates for computer typing test for the post of Office Assistant under LADCS.
- 27.03.2023 Notification regarding issue of Admit card for the post of Office Assistant & Receptionist -cum- Data Entry Operator under LADCS.
- 23.03.2023 Notification regarding extension last date for submission of application form for the post of Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel, Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel and Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel under LADCS.
- 23.03.2023 Notification regarding list of rejected candidates for post of Office Assistant, Receptionist cum Data entry Operator and Peon of "Legal Aid Defence Counsel System".
- 17.03.2023 Notification regarding Skill Test for Computer Assistant Recruitment Examination, 2022.
- 06.03.2023 Notification regarding contractual engagement of various posts for implementation of "Legal Aid Defence Counsel System" for Imphal West, Imphal East, Bishnupur and Thoubal Districts.
- 01.03.2023 Notification regarding schedule for skill test for the post of Computer Assistant recruitment examination in the High Court of Manipur
- 17.02.2023 Notification regarding Main Examination schedule for the recruitment of the post of Research Officer in the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 10.02.2023 Notification regarding Shortlisted for appearing skill test for the post of Computer Assistant in High Court of Manipur.
- 30.01.2023 Notification regarding selected list of Chauffeurs on Daily wages in the High Court of Manipur.
- 27.01.2023 Notification regarding venue of Computer Typing Test for the recruitment of Computer Assistant in the High Court of Manipur.
- 25.01.2023 Notification regarding total number of vacant posts of Computer Assistant in the High Court Manipur.
- 17.01.2023 Notification regarding walk-in interview for Chauffeur on daily wages for the High Court of Manipur.
- 21.12.2022 Notification regarding provisional list of candidates to appear in the Main Examination of Researce officer in the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 11.01.2022 Notification regarding the Computer Typing Test Schedule for the post of Computer Assistant recruitment Examination,2022.
- 21.12.2022 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates for appearing in the Computer Typing Test for Computer Assistant recruitment Examination,2022.
- 14.12.2022 Notification regarding Final Answer keys for Computer Assistant Written Examination, 2022.
- 07.12.2022 Notification regarding final result of the Manipur Judicial Service Grade III recruitment Examination, 2022.
- 22.11.2022 Notification regarding Answer keys for Computer Assistant Written Examination, 2022.
- 17.11.2022 Notification regarding schedule of the Viva-Voce for recruitment of MJS Grade-III recruitment Examination, 2022.
- 02.11.2022 Notification regarding schedule of the written examination for recruitment of computer Assistant in the High Court of Manipur.
- 21.10.2022 Notification Regarding shortlisted candidates for viva-voce for MJS GRADE III.
- 17.10.2022 Notification regarding the selected list of candidates of e-Sewa Kendra Office Assistant(Contract) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 07.10.2022 Notification regarding walk in interview for engagement of one Driver (daily wager) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 29.09.2022 Advertisement for recruitment for the post of Library Assistant in the High Court of Manipur.
- 23.09.2022 Notification regarding call for clarification in respect to recruitment of Research Officer in Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 23.09.2022 Notification regarding extension of online registration for recruitment to the post of Computer Assistant.
- 21.09.2022 Notification regarding schedule of viva-voce/Interview for eSewa Kendra Office Assistant.
- 15.09.2022 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates for Interview of eSewa Kendra Office Assistant.
- 08.09.2022 Notification regarding Answer keys for eSewa Kendra Office Assistant (Contract) Written Examination,2022.
- 30.08.2022 Notification regarding Final Answer keys for eSewa Kendra Office Assistant (Contract) Written Examination,2022.
- 26.08.2022 Advertisement for filling up Application online for 10(Ten) vacant posts of Computer Assistant in the High Court of Manipur.
- 06.08.2022 Notification regarding the examination Schedule and Syllabus of e-Sewa Kendra Office Assistant written Examination,2022.
- 06.08.2022 Notification regarding the place of posting and Reporting Officer of the selected for appointment as Driver in the District Courts of Manipur.
- 02.08.2022 Notification regarding result of Driver recruitment Examination, 2022 for the District Courts of Manipur.
- 27.07.2022 Notification regarding the MJS Grade-III Main Written Examination, 2022.
- 14.07.2022 Addendum regarding Walk-in-Interview for engagement of 16(Sixteen) e-Sewa Kendra Office Assistant (on contract basis) in the District Courts and High Court of Manipur.
- 12.07.2022 Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview for engagement of 16(Sixteen) e-Sewa Kendra Office Assistant (on contract basis) in the District Courts and High Court of Manipur.
- 12.07.2022 Notification regarding Viva-Voce/Interview for recruitment of Driver for subordiante Courts of Manipur.
- 08.07.2022 Advertisement for filling up the post of Research Officer in the Manipur Judicial Academy.
- 18.06.2022 Notification regarding online application for the post of Junior Court Assistant in the Supreme Court of India.
- 16.06.2022 Notification regarding selected list for appointment to the post of Masalchi in the High Court of Manipur.
- 09.06.2022 Notification regarding skill test of Masalchi Recruitment Examination,2022.
- 02.06.2022 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates for appearing in the MJS-III Main written Examination, 2022.
- 19.05.2022 Notification regarding Answer keys of English & General Knowledge and Law paper of the Manipur Judicial Service Grade - III Preliminary Examination 2022.
- 17.05.2022 Notification regarding Skill test for recruitment to the post of Masalchi.
- 11.05.2022 Notification regarding rejected list of Driver recruitment Examination, 2022 for subordinate Court of Manipur.
- 26.04.2022 Notification regarding Answer Key of English & General Knowledge and Law Paper of Manipur Judicial Service Grade III Preliminary Examination 2022.
- 05.04.2022 Advertisement for recruitment to the Post of Masalchi.
- 04.04.2022 Notification regarding Driver recruitment Examination, 2022 for Subordinate Courts of Manipur.
- 29.03.2022 Notification regarding selected candidate in order of merit for appointment to the post of Cook.
- 17.03.2022 Notification regarding the cut off/Pass marks in the skill test for the post of Masalchi.
- 14.03.2022 Notification regarding MJS Grade-III Preliminary Examination, 2022.
- 07.03.2022 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates for Viva-Voce/Interview for the post of Cook.
- 22.02.2022 Order regarding selected list of candidates for engagement of five Video Conferencing Technical Assistant as daily wager.
- 14.02.2022 Notification regarding Walk-in-Interview for engagement of five Video Conferencing Technical Assistant as daily wager.
- 27.01.2022 Applications are invited online for filling up the post of Manipur Judicial Service Grade - III.
- 27.01.2022 Notification regarding Skill Test for recruitment to the post of Cook will be held on 19th February, 2022.
- 17.01.2022 Application are invited online for filling up the post of Driver in the Subordinate Courts of Manipur.
- 10.12.2021 Application are invited online for filling up the post of Cook,2021.
- 08.12.2021 Notification regarding the list of selected candidates and wait listed candidates for appointment to post of Court Attendant/Farash/Orderly/Chowkidar/Lawn Attendant,2021.
- 25.11.2021 Notification regarding the Main Stenography skill test for Private Secretary recruitment examination, 2021.
- 05.10.2021 Notification regarding the Main Examination for Private Secretary recruitment examination, 2021.
- 22.09.2021 Notification regarding candidates called for Main Examination for the post of Private Secretary.
- 22.09.2021 Notification regarding candidates called for Main Examination for the post of Private Secretary.
- 15.09.2021 Notification regarding new schedule for Personal Assessment Test/Interview for recruitment of court Attendent/ Farash/ Orderly/ Chowkidar/ Lawn Attendant.
- 31.08.2021 Notification regarding postponement of resumption of Personal Assessment Test/Interview for recruitment of court Attendent/ Farash/ Orderly/ Chowkidar/ Lawn Attendant which were scheduled earlier.
- 19.08.2021 Notification regarding resumption of Personal Assessment Test/Interview for recruitment of court Attendent/Farash/ Orderly/ Chowkidar/ Lawn Attendant.
- 30.04.2021 Notification regarding postponement of Personal Assessment Test/Interview for recruitment of court Attendent/Farash/ Orderly/ Chowkidar/ Lawn Attendant.
- 29.04.2021 Notification regarding information to the candidates who could not apeear for "Personal Assessment Test" on 27-04-2021
- 21.04.2021 Notification regarding selected list of Court Attendants on Daily wage
- 07.04.2021 Final Answer keys of Private Secretary preliminary Examination,2021(General English)
- 06.04.2021 Notification regarding the eligible candidates along with thier roll number for appearing Walk in Interview of Court Attendant
- 05.04.2021 Notification regarding the reschedule of walk in interview for engagement of 5(Five) Court Attendant (on Daily Wages)
- 27.03.2021 Answer keys of Private Secretary preliminary Examination,2021(General English)
- 19.03.2021 Notification regarding the recruitment for the post of Court Attendant/ Farash/ Orderly/ Chowkidar/ Lawn Attendant.
- 17.03.2021 Notification regarding the recruitment for the post of Court Attendant/ Farash/ Orderly/ Chowkidar/ Lawn Attendant.
- 08.03.2021 Order regarding the engagement of Daily wager (Drivers).
- 03.03.2021 Addendum to Walk-in Interview for engagement of Driver on daily wages
- 01.03.2021 Walk-in Interview for engagement of Driver on daily wages
- 05.02.2021 Applications are invited online for filing up for the post of Court Attendant,Farash,Orderly,Chowkidar,Lawn Attendant.
- 03.02.2021 Corrigendum to the Advertisement dated 30.01.2021 for filling up for the post of Private Secretary.
- 30.12.2020 Applications are invited online for filling up for the post of Private Secretary.
- 28.12.2020 Notification
regarding the
Final Result for the
post of Manipur Judicial
Service Grade-I
Recruitment Examination
- 09.12.2020 Notification
regarding the
Viva-Voce/Interview for
appointment to the post
of Manipur Judicial
Service Grade-I
- 09.12.2020 Notification
regarding the
select list (in order of
merit) for appointment
to the post of Law
- 05.12.2020 Notification
regarding the
extension of contract
for the post of Lecturer
of Manipur Judicial
- 28.10.2020 Notification
regarding the
interview for recuitment
of 2(two) posts of Law
Assistant on contract
- 08.10.2020 Advertisement
recruitment of 2(two)
posts of Law Assistant
on contract
- 29.09.2020 Notification regarding reschedule of written examination of Manipur Judicial Service Grade- I Recruitment Examination, 2020
- 23.09.2020 Notification regarding filling up the post of Vice Chairman of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) at Chenai
- 23.09.2020 Application for selection of Member (Legal) Petroleum and Natural gas regulatory Board
- 18.09.2020 Notification regarding postponement of main written Examination of Manipur Judicial Service Grade- I Recruitment Examination, 2020
- 15.09.2020 Notification regarding Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) for Judicial Service Grade- I Recruitment Examination, 2020
- 03.09.2020 Notification regarding reschedule of Manipur Judicial Service Grade- I Recruitment Examination, 2020.
- 28.07.2020 Vacancy Circular regarding filing up the post of Registrar in the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity on Deputation basis.
- 25.07.2020 Notification regarding postponement of main written Examination of Manipur Judicial Service Grade- I Recruitment Examination, 2020
- 18.07.2020 Final result for the Manipur Judicial Service Grade III recruitment examination, 2019
- 03.07.2020 Notification regarding the new schedule for the written Examination of Manipur Judicial Service Grade I recruitment examination, 2020
- 01.07.2020 Notification regarding the list of Candidates(Roll No.)who are to appear Interview/Viva Voce for the recruitment of Manipur Judicial Service Grade III Examination, 2019 through Video Conferencing.
- 25.06.2020 Notification regarding extension of period of contract appointment of employees who were appointed vide notification No. HCM/A-02/2015-Estt (SJ)/69632 dated 8th Sept. 2017.
- 17.06.2020 Notification regarding Interview/Viva Voce of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-III Recruitment Examination, 2019
- 08.06.2020 Notification regarding Extension of engagement of 2(two) Lecturers of Manipur Judicial Academy
- 23.03.2020Notification regarding postponement of recruitment examinations of Manipur Judicial Service, Grade I & III
- 05.03.2020 Notification regarding engagement as Lecturer (purely on contract basis) in Manipur Judicial Acadedmy
- 04.03.2020 Notification regarding viva-voce/interview of shorlisted candidates for MJS Grade-III.
- 11.02.2020 Notification regarding the selecteed candidate for appointment to the post of Computer Operator (contract basis) in the High Court of Manipur.
- 05.02.2020 Notification regarding the shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of Computer Operator(on contract basis)
- 30.01.2020 Notification regarding the fresh application for the post of Lecturer for Manipur Judicial Academy on contract basis
- 18.01.2020 Notification regarding the Application are invited online for filling up the Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I.
- 16.01.2020 Notification regarding the walk in examination for engagement of one Computer Operator (on Contract Basis)
- 04.11.2019Notification regarding reschedule of Walk-in-Interview for engagement of 1(One) daily wager cook.
- 01.11.2019 Notification regarding postponement of walk-in-interview for engagement of one daily wager having knowledge of cooking in the High Court of Manipur.
- 24.10.2019 Notification regarding qualified candidates for appearing in the Manipur Judicial Service(MJS) Grade-III main written examination, 2019.
- 18.10.2019 Notification regarding the final result of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I recruitment Examination 2019
- 11.10.2019 Notification regarding the revised Answer Keys of Paper I & II for all four sets of Question Booklets of the Manipur Judicial Service Grade-III preliminary Exam. 2019
- 04.10.2019 Notification regarding the recommended candidates and the wait listed candidates for appointment to the post of Junior Adminstrative Assistant(J.A.A) in the High Court of Manipur and Office Assistant in the MASLSA
- 27.09.2019 Notification regarding the Walk-in-interview for engagement of 2(two) daily wagers having Knowledge of cooking in the High Court of Manipur
- 21.09.2019 Notification regarding shortlisted Candidates for Viva-voce/Interview for appointment to the post of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I (MJS-I)
- 07.09.2019 Answer keys of Paper I & II for all the 4(four) sets of Question Booklets of the Manipur Judicial Officers Grade-III Preliminary Examination 2019
- 20.08.2019 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates and interview schedule for recruitment of Jr.A.A and office Assistant
- 26.07.2019 Notification regarding the list of qualified candidates for appearing in the computer typing test for the post of Jr.A.A and Office Assistant
- 17.07.2019 Notification regarding the revised Answer Key for the post of Jr.A.A and Office Assistant (O.A) examination,2019
- 05.07.2019 Notification regarding the extension of engagement of Panal lawyer for High Court Legal Services Committee (HCLSC)
- 11.06.2019 Notification regarding availability of Admit card Download link for MJS-I written examination,2019
- 11.06.2019 Notification regarding rejection of applications for the MJS-I recruitment examination
- 07.06.2019 Notification regarding Schedule of written examination and Issue of Admit cards for MJS Grade-I
- 31.05.2019 Corrigendum regarding Advertisement for the recruitment examination of MJS Grade-I, dated 12th April 2019
- 25.05.2019 Advertisement of direct recruitment for the post of Judicial Service Grade-III for the High Court of Manipur
- 09.05.2019 Answer key for Junior Administrative Assistant (Jr.AA) and Office Assistant (OA) recruitment Examination held on 28th April,2019
- 07.05.2019 Notification regarding place of posting for selected Drivers in Subordinate Courts of Manipur
- 29.04.2019 Notification regarding the result of Driver Recruitment Examination,2018 for the Subordinate Courts of Manipur
- 12.04.2019 Advertisement regarding Recruitment for the post of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I
- 04.04.2019 Notification regarding Notification regarding the reschedule of interview for recruitment of Driver of subordinate courts of Manipur and MASLSA
- 02.04.2019 Notification regarding interview of shortlisted candidates for the post of driver for Subordinate Courts and MASLSA
- 02.03.2019 Notification regarding Result of LDA recruitment Examination 2018 for Subordinate Courts of Manipur
- 01.03.2019 Advertisement of the recruitment for the post of Junior Administrative Assistant (JAA) of High Court of Manipur and Office Assistant (OA) of MASLSA
- 08.02.2019 Notification regarding shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of LDA of Subordinate Courts and detailed schedule of interview
- 15.01.2019 Notification regarding Venue and Schedule for Typing test, LDA recruitment Examination 2018
- 28.12.2018 Notification for the List of qualified candidates for appearing Computer Typing Test for the post of LDA
- 19.12.2018 Notification for cancellation of direct recruitment of 4(four) posts of MJS Grade-I bearing Notification No.HCM/A-1/2013-A&E(J)/Vol.1 dated 04/08/2016
- 04.12.2018 Selected list for the post of Junior Grade Translator
- 24.11.2018 Selected list of candidates for Viva-Voce for the post of Junior Grade Translator and Schedule
- 22.11.2018 Notification of the recruitment for the post Drivers (Regular & Contract basis) in the Subordinate Courts of Manipur
- 30.10.2018 Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Junior Grade Translator for Computer proficiency test and Schedule
- 11.10.2018 Notification for the extension of Application form submission for empanalment as Panal Lawyers of the High Court Legal Service Committee
- 30.8.2018 Notification for the written test schedule for the post of Jr. Grade Translator
- 29.8.2018 Result for the Interview of Law Assistant
- 27.8.2018 Notification regarding Admit card for the post of LDA
- 21.8.2018 Notification regarding extension of last date for submission of application form for empanelment as panel lawyers of HCLSC
- 17.8.2018 Notification regarding Reschedule of the Interview of Law Assistant
- 28.07.2018 Notification regarding interview for recruitment to the post of Law Assistant
- 23.06.2018 Notification for the qualification of Head Cook/Senior Cook, Cook and Masalchi for direct recruitment.
- 23.06.2018 Notification for the qualification of Grade IV for direct recruitment.
- 11.05.2018 Advertisement for recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff of Hidayatullah National Law University
- 04.05.2018 Applications are invited for filling up 2(two) posts of Junior Grade Translator.
- 04.05.2018 Applications are invited for filling up 5(five) posts of Law Assistant on contract basis for a period of 1(one) year.
- 17.04.2018 Notice for filling up the vacant post of Presenting Officer in the National Human Rights Commission.
- 07.04.2018 Notification for Appointment of Jamadar (Usher) Temporarily
- 12.02.2018 Notification for appointment of Stenographer Grade-I on Adhoc Basis
- 30.01.2018 Notification for appointment of 2(two) Members of the Manipur Human Rights Commission
- 23.01.2018 Notification for selected candidates for the appointment of LDC cum Computer Operator for MASLSA, 2018
- 17.01.2018 Notification for selected candidates for the post of Stenographer Grade-I on Adhoc Basis
- 22.01.2017 Notification to appoint the following Grad-IV employees of High Court of Manipur on promotion to the post of Junior Administrative assistant.
- 14.12.2017 Selected candidates for viva voce/interview for the post of 2 (two) LDC cum Computer Operators, MASLSA
- 13.12.2017 Applications are invited for appointment to the post of Presenting Officer in the National Human Rights Commission by deputation failing which by re-employment/contract.
- 04.12.2017 Appointment of Accountant for MASLSA.
- 30.11.2017 Notification regarding Viva-Voce for Stenographer Grade-I on ad-hoc basis.
- 22.11.2017 Notification for shortlisted candidates and Schedule of Main Stenography Test for the post of Stenographer Grade -I on ad-hoc basis
- 20.11.2017
Notification regarding declaration of qualified candidates for appearing in the Computer Typing test for the recruitment of 2(two) LDC cum Computer Operators for MASLSA
- 15.11.2017 Result of successful Candidates for the appointment of drivers, MASLSA.
- 13.11.2017 Final result of MJS Grade-III Recruitment Examination 2017.
- 06.11.2017 Notification for issuing admit card for the post of Stenographer Grade-I/PS on ad-hoc basis
- 31.10.2017 Notification regarding declaration of successful candidates for appointment to the post of Peon for MASLSA
- 27.10.2017 Extension order regarding appointment of Director of Manipur Judicial Academy(MJA)
- 27.10.2017 Notification regarding Viva Voce/Interview for the Post of Drivers for MASLSA
- 10.10.2017 Notification regarding extension of last date for issuance of Admit Card for recruitment of 2(two) LDC-cum Computer Operators, 2(two) drivers & 2(two) Peons of MASLSA
- 09.10.2017 Notification for selected list of candiates for interview to the Posts of MJS Grade-III
- 03.10.2017 Notification regarding written examination for the post of LDC-cum-Computer Operator for MASLSA
- 19.09.2017 Admit Card for the post of LDC -cum- Computer Operator, Driver and Peon for MASLSA
- 18.09.2017 List of Rejected candidates for the post of LDC -cum- Computer Operator, Driver and Peon for MASLSA
- 01.09.2017 Notification for recruitment of Stenographer Grade-I/PS
- 02.08.2017 Result of Stenographer Grade-I and Grade-II Recruitment Examination, 2017
- 28.07.2017 Notification for selected candidates for Viva-voce for the post of Stenographer Grade-I and Grade-II, 2017
- 22.07.2017 Notification for Shortlisted candidates for Stenographer Grade-I & II Main Examination, 2017.
- 18.07.2017 Addendum for Examination Schedule for Steno Grade I & II.
- 18.07.2017 Notification for Examination Schedule for Steno Grade-I & II Exam 2017
- 13.07.2017 Notificaton for the recruitment of Accountant, LDC-cum_Computer Operator, Driver, Peon for MASALSA
- 07.07.2017 Notification for the appointment of Principal Secretary to Hon'ble the Acting Cheif Justice, 2017
- 04.07.2017 Admit Card for Stenographer-II
- 04.07.2017 Admit Card for Stenographer-I
- 04.07.2017 Notification for issuing admit card for recruitment of Stenographer-I & II, 2017
- 15.06.2017 Rejected list for recruitment of Stenographer-I
- 15.06.2017 Rejected list for recruitment of Stenographer-II
- 14.06.2017 Notification for issuing admit card of MJS Grade-III Examination, 2017
- 14.06.2017 Rejected list of MJS Grade-III Examination,2017
- 13.06.2017 Selected candidates for the post of LDC for District Legal services and High Court Legal Services Committee
- 19.05.2017 Notification: list of Candidates for appointment to the post of Law Assistant
- 16.05.2017 Selected Candidates for Viva Voce for post of LDC, MASLSA
- 09.05.2017 Notification of Interview for Recruitment of Law Assistant 2017
- 09.05.2017 Rejected list for Recruitment of Law Assistant 2017
- 08.05.2017 Notification: Interview for Recruitment of Technical Manpower under eCourt Project Phase II
- 08.05.2017 Advertisement for Recruitment of Stenographer Grade I & II
- 29.04.2017 Advertisement for Recruitment of MJS Grade III
- 29.04.2017 Answer Key: Recruitment of Technical Manpower under eCourt Project Phase II
- 26.04.2017 Notification Regarding Recruitment of Technical Manpower under eCourt Project Phase II
- 15.04.2017 Notification for Schedule of Computer typing Test for Recruitment of LDC for MASLSA
- 13.04.2017 List of Rejected Candidates: Recruitment of Technical Manpower under eCourt Project Phase II
- 13.04.2017 Notification for Written Exam: Recruitment of Technical Manpower under eCourt Project Phase II
- 20.03.2017 Notification of Recruitment for Law Assistant (contract basis)
- 28.02.2017 Corrigendum for Recruitment of Technical Manpower under eCourt Project Phase II
- 24.02.2016 Advertisement of Recruitment for Technical Manpower under eCourt Phase II Project
- 22.02.2016 Notification of Papers/Subject for MJS-I Exam
- 17.02.2016 Notification of Eligible Applicants for MJS-I Exam 2017
- 10.02.2016 Notification of Examination Schedule for recruitment of MJS-I
- 20.12.2016 Selected List of typing test for LDC of MASLSA
- 24.10.2016 Postponment of Interview for Peon of MASLSA
- 05.10.2016 Admit Card for LDC and Peon of MSLSA
- 14.09.2016 Advertisement of Panel Lawyers for High Court Legal Services Committee
- 18.08.2016 Advertisement for LDC and Peon of MASLSA on Contract basis
- 04.08.2016 Advertisement for recruitment of MJS-Grade I
- 04.07.2016 List of Selected Panel Lawyers
- 25.06.2016 Notification of interview for Panel Lawyer
- 09.06.2016 Place of Posting for the post of Peon(Subordinate Courts)
- 08.06.2016 Final Select List for the post of Peon
- 26.05.2016 Postponement of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I
- 25.05.2016 Extension of form submission for the post of Panel Lawyers
- 22.05.2016 List of eligible candidates for Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I Written Exam.2015
- 21.05.2016 Notification of Interview (Special call) for the post of Peon
- 12.05.2016 Result of Computer Typing Test for the post of Stenographer (Contract Basis)
- 05.05.2016 Notification for postpondment of interview of peon (subordinate Courts)
- 05.05.2016 Extension of form Submission for the post of Stenographer(Contract Basis)
- 22.04.2016 Advertisement of Panel Lawyers of High Court Legal Services Committee
- 21.04.2016 Notification of recruitment for the post of Stenographer on contract basis
- 12.04.2016 Notification of recruitment for the post of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I
- 07.04.2016 Final result of System Analyst and Computer Programmer
- 19.03.2016 Notification for appointment of Chowkidar (Subordinate Court)
- 16.03.2016 Selected candidates for viva voce of System Analyst and Computer Programmer
- 02.03.2016 Result of Main Stenography skill Test for post of Steno Grade I and II
- 02.03.2016 Interview Schedule for the Post of Peon in the Subordinate Courts
- 01.03.2016 Advertisement for the Post of Chowkidar
- 26.02.2016 Schedule for Computer Aided Test for System Analyst and Computer Programmer
- 25.02.2016 Result of Preliminary Exam for post of Stenographer Gr.I & II
- 20.02.2016 Time Schedule of Typing Test for Stenographer Gr. I & II
- 19.02.2016 Notification for postponement of Typing Test for Stenographer Gr. I & II
- 01.02.2016 Result for preliminary exam of System Analyst and Computer Programmer
- 29.01.2016 Notification for Apointment of J.A.A
- 29.01.2016 Notification for appoinment of Computer Opereator
- 25.01.2016 Notification for issue of Admit Card for the post of System Analyst and Computer Programmer
- 23.01.2016 Schedule for Preliminary examination of System Analyst and Programmer
- 19.01.2016 Advertisement for recruitment of Stenographer Grade I & II
- 14.01.2016 Notification for appointment of Computer Operators
- 08.01.2016 Notification for final selected list of Computer Operator
- 29.12.2015 Notification for appointment of Jr.AA
- 17.12.2015 Advertisement for recruitment of System Analyst and Computer Programmer
- 08.12.2015 Appointment Order Law Assistant
- 08.12.2015 List of Qualified candidates for viva voce of Computer Operator
- 07.12.2015 Final Selected List of Driver(Sub Ordinate Courts)
- 07.12.2015 Final Selected List of Law Assistant
- 26.11.2015 Final selected list of Jr.A.A
- 26.11.2015 List of Qualified candidates for Viva Voce of Drivers
- 04.11.2015 Notification for Date of Interview of Law Assistant
- 04.11.2015 Notification for Rejected List of Law Assistant
- 03.11.2015 Notification for Schedule of Skill Test for Drivers
- 29.10.2015 Notification of MJS Grade-III Appointment
- 16.10.2015 Shortlisted candidates for VIVA VOCE for the post of Jr.A.A
- 12.10.2015 Selected List for the post of Jr.A.A for Computer Typing Test
- 09.10.2015 Final result of MJS Grade III Examinaton 2015
- 03.10.2015 Notification of Admit Card for the Post of Jr. A.A
- 01.10.2015 Corrigendum for post of Jr.A.A 2015
- 01.10.2015 Notification for Skill Test of Computer Operator
- 01.10.2015 Corrigendum for qualified candidates for Skill Test of Computer Operator
- 29.09.2015 List of candidates qualified for Skill Test of Computer Operator
- 25.09.2015 List of candidates qualified for interview(viva voce) for MJS Grade III 2015
- 23.09.2015 Schedule for Computer Operator Examination
- 09.09.2015 Notification for Extension of online submission for the post of Computer Operator
- 08.09.2015 Notification for postponement of Skill Test for the post of Drivers
- 04.09.2015 Final selected list for the post of Stenographer Gr-III
- 03.09.2015 Notification for post of Junior Administrative Assistant (Jr.A.A)
- 29.08.2015 Notification for Schedule of Skill test for the post of Drivers
- 26.08.2015 Notification of Recruitment for the post of Computer Operator
- 21.08.2015 Advertisement for the Recruitment of MJS Grade-I
- 14.08.2015 Notification for Viva voce of Stenographers Grade III
- 11.08.2015 Notification for Admit card for post of Peon and Reject List
- 07.08.2015 Notification for Admit card for the Post of Driver and Reject List
- 31.07.2015 Qualified candidates for computer typing test of Steno-III, Subordinate Courts
- 23.07.2015 Notification for collection of offer forms for Selected LDA/LDC of Subordinate Courts
- 21.07.2015 List of qualified candidates for MJS Grade-III Written (main) Exam.2015
- 20.07.2015 Final Select list of LDA/LDC Exam. 2015 for Subordinate Courts
- 04.07.2015 Notification for issuing Admit Card of Stenographer Grade III
- 25.06.2015 Corrigendum for MJS Grade III Prelim Exam.
- 06.06.2015 Selected Name of Attender
- 04.06.2015 List of selected candidates for interview of LDA/LDC
- 01.06.2015 Advertisement for Recruitment of Attender
- 26.05.2015 Advertisement for Recruitment of Law Assistants
- 23.05.2015 Advertisement for Recruitment of MJS Grade III
- 22.05.2015 Reschedule of Computer typing test for LDA/LDC
- 13.05.2015 Notification for venue of typing test for LDA/LDC
- 12.05.2015 Final select list of Mali
- 08.05.2015 List of cadidates qualified for Computer typing test for post of LDA/LDC
- 04.05.2015 Advertisement for Steno Grade III
- 04.05.2015 Form for Steno grade III
- 20.04.2015 Notice for issue of Admit Card for Mali
- 18.04.2015 Select List of Steno Gr.II for Final Test
- 08.04.2015 Notification for Collection of Admit Card for LDA-LDC
- 08.04.2015 Rejected List of Candidates for LDA-LDC
- 31.03.2015 Finale Select List of Drivers from Waiting List
- 26.03.2015 Notice for issue of Admit Cards for Chowkidar
- 26.03.2015 Rejected applicants for Chowkidar
- 23.03.2015 Notice for issue of Admit Card for Steno Gr-II
- 23.03.2015 Rejected Applicants for Steno Gr.II
- 16.03.2015 Modified Notification of Stenographer Grade-II
- 21.02.2015 Advertisement for Mali
- 10.02.2015 Advertisement for Steno Gr.II
- 10.02.2015 Application Form for Steno Gr.II
- 10.02.2015 Final Select List of Library Assistant
- 31.01.2015 Advertisement for recruiment of Peon and Chowkidar
- 31.01.2015 Application Form for Peon & Chowkidar Post
- 30.01.2015 Advertisement for recruitment of Drivers
- 30.01.2015 Application Form for post of Driver
- 30.01.2015 Final Select List of MJS Grade-III
- 29.01.2015 Advertisement for recruitment of Steno Grade-III
- 29.01.2015 Form for Stenographer-III Post
- 29.01.2015 Advertisement for recruitment of LDA-LDC
- 29.01.2015 Form for LDC_LDA Post
- 23.01.2015 Final Select List of Drivers
- 22.01.2015 Notice for issue of Admid card - Library Assistant
- 29.12.2014 MJS III Candiate qualified for VIVA VOCE
- 02.12.2014 Driver candidates qualified for Interview
- 20.11.2014 Notification for Post of Library Assistant
- 20.11.2014 Form for Post of Library Assistant
- 28.10.2014 Reject list of Driver's Candidate
- 18.10.2014 Notice for Collection of Admit Card- Post of Driver
- 15.10.2014 Final Select List of Contract Computer Operator
- 24.09.2014 Advertisement for driver
- 06.09.2014 Computer Operator-Select List for Viva Voce
- 04.09.2014 MJS-III Main Exmn 2014-Notice for Admit Card
- 01.09.2014 Select List of Court Manager
- 26.07.2014 Select List of Steno GrI
- 26.07.2014 Select List of Steno GrII
- 26.07.2014 Speed & Skill Test of Computer Operatort
- 24.07.2014 MJS Gr.III - Pre. Qualified List with Result
- 24.07.2014 Steno Gr.I & II- Qualified for Interview
- 19.07.2014 Advertisement for Court Manager
- 19.07.2014 Recruitment Rules of Court Manager
- 18.07.2014 Selected List of Attender
- 12.06.2014 Notification - Final Schedule of Interview for Attender
- 09.06.2014 Notification for Examination and Oral Interview of Attender
- 16.05.2014 Re-Examination of Steno Gr.I and II
- 08.05.2014 Admid Card for MJS III Preliminary Test
- 21.04.2014 Notification for MJS III Test
- 07.04.2014 Notification Main Test of Stenographers
- 07.04.2014 Schedules of Main Test of Stenographers
- 01.04.2014 Preliminary Selected List of Steno Grade-I
- 01.04.2014 Preliminary SelectedList of Steno Grade-II
- 11.02.2014 Admit Card for Preliminary Test for Steno Gr I & II
- 06.02.2014 Appointment of ADJ(FTC)
- 06.02.2014 DPC Result of Cook
- 06.02.2014 DPC Result of Mashalchi
- 29.01.2014 Result of District Judge(Entry level) Limited Competetive Exam
- 29.01.2014 Result of District Judge(Entry level) Direct Recruitment Exam
- 10.01.2014 Asvertisement for Stenographer
- 27.11.2013 Circular regarding JJB
- 11.11.2013 Syllabus for MJS-III Recruitment
- 03.07.2013 Admit Cards of Applicants for Direct Recruitment to District Judge (Entry Level) Exam,2013
- 23.05.2013 Recruitment of System Assistant on Contract Basis
- 15.05.2013 Corrigendum to Direct Recruitment of Grade-I MJS
- 15.05.2013 Advertisement for Limited Competitive Examination for Grade-I MJS
- 15.05.2013 Advertisement for Direct Recruitment of District Judge
- Guidelines/Documents
- Tenders/Rate Quotations
- 06.10.2023 Bid document for supply, installation, testing and Commissioning of Hybrid Court Room System with Live streaming for 5(five) Court Rooms at the High Court of Manipur.
- 06.10.2023 Bid document for supply, installation, testing and Commissioning of Hybrid Court Room System for 41(fourty One) Courts for Subordinate Courts of Manipur.
- 23.03.2023 Notice inviting sealed rate for supply of original Printer Cartridge/Toner for the High Court of Manipur.
- 23.03.2023 Notice inviting sealed rate for supply of Stationery Article for the High Court of Manipur.
- 13.10.2022 Notification regarding the highest bidders of auction sales in respect of 3(Three) Condemned Vehicles of the High Court of Manipur.
- 27.09.2022 Notification for inviting sealed tenders from reputed hoteliers/restauarants for running "Canteen"in the High Court of Manipur.
- 24.09.2022 Tenders for running Canteen in the High Court Complex have been cancelled.
- 13.09.2022 Notification for inviting sealed tenders from the purchasers for auction sales of 3(Three) Condemned Vehicles of the High Court of Manipur.
- 29.06.2022 Notification for inviting tenders in the prescribed format for running "Canteen" in the High Court Complex.
- 22.06.2022 Notification regarding opening of Financial Bid for Tender no HCM/E-43120L6-Estt./Pt.-t/Vol.-VllD.
- 20.05.2022 Corrigendum regarding Supply, Install, Configure and commissioning of one Studio based VC equipment and 25 Desktop based VC.
- 06.03.2022 Tender Document for Supply, Install, Configure and commissioning of one Studio based VC equipment and 25 Desktop based VC.
- 06.03.2022 Advertisement for e-Tender for Supply, Install, Configure and commissioning of one Studio based VC equipment and 25 Desktop based VC.
- 06.03.2022 Notification inviting sealed rate quotations for supply of Xerox paper, Note sheet, File board and other stationary Items.
- 06.03.2022 Notification inviting sealed rate quotations for supply of Printer Cartridges.
- 27.01.2022 Notification inviting sealed rate quotations for supply of Summer Liveries.
- 21.01.2022 Notice inviting tenders from reputed firms for collecting and disposing wastages/garbages from Chief Justice's residence, Judges' Guest House, security barrack, staff quarter and High Court Complex.
- 09.12.2021 Notification regarding sealed rate quotation for shifting of 2(two) numbers 5 KW solar power plant from CJM Churachandpur court complex to New Mini Secretariat,Churachandpur.
- 16.09.2021 Notification regarding sealed rate quotation for supply of various material viz bricks, sand, cement etc.
- 23.08.2021 Notification regarding sealed rate quotation for supply of original mentioned Printer Cartridges/Toner.
- 18.08.2021 Notification regarding sealed rate quotation for various materials viz. bricks, sand, cement etc.
- 06.08.2021 Notification regarding Award of contract for e-tender no. HCM/C-51/2012-CC/Pt-II dated 01/04/2021.
- 06.08.2021 Notification regarding Award of contract for e-tender no. HCM/C-51/2012-CC/Pt-II dated 01/04/2021(Laptops).
- 06.08.2021 Notification regarding Canccellation of Award of contract for e-tender no. HCM/C-51/2012-CC/Pt-II dated 01/04/2021.
- 19.06.2021 Notification regarding Award of contract for e-tender no. HCM/I-1/2017-Estt.-II/Pt-I/23532 dated 24/10/2019.
- 19.06.2021 Notification regarding cancellation of Award of contract and purchase order of e-tender no. HCM/I-1/2017-Estt.-II/Pt-I/23532 dated 24/10/2019.
- 15.06.2021 Notification regarding Award of contract for e-tender no. HCM/C-51/2012-CC/Pt-II dated 01/04/2021.
- 10.06.2021 Notification regarding opening of financial bid of e-tender no. HCM/C-51/2012-CC/Pt-II dated 01/04/2021.
- 08.06.2021 Notification regarding Award of contract for e-tender no. HCM/E-43/2016-Esst/Pt-I/Vol-XVIII for procurement of 46(fortysix) Laptops.
- 04.06.2021 Notification regarding opening of financial bid of e-tender no. HCM/E-43/2016-Esst/Pt-I/Vol-XVIII for procurement of 46(fortysix) Laptops.
- 04.05.2021 Notification regarding cancellation of e-tender no. HCM/E-43/2016-Esst/Pt-I/Vol XVIII floated on09-03-2021 and re-tender for the purchase of the same items.
- 22.04.2021 Notification regarding opening of financial bid for e-tender no. HCM/E-43/2016-Esst/Pt-I/Vol XVIII floated on09-03-2021.
- 08.04.2021 Notification regarding sealed rate quotation for supply of Printer Cartridges/Toner for various Printers.
- 08.04.2021 Notification regarding sealed rate quotation for supply of JK Zerox Paper, Note sheet, Duplicating paper, file board printed,Triplex Board Sheet, Registers book, Envelope and other stationery items.
- 03.04.2021 Corrigendum regarding the tender notice dated 9th March,2021 and extension of date for submission and opening of technichal bid.
- 01.04.2021 Bids inviting for supply, testing, installation and maintenance of 45(Forty five) Desktop computers, 6(six) laptops,11(eleven) MF Printers, 1(one) WiFi Router, 2(two) external Hard disks, 45(forty five) Power extension cords, 34(thirty four) Pen drives for the High Court of Manipur
- 31.03.2021 Corrigendum regarding tender notice dated 9th March,2021 for procurement of Laptops
- 09.03.2021 Advertisement for inviting
for supply, testing, installation and maintenance of 46(Forty six) laptops for the Judicial Officers, under Phase II eCourts Project.
- 03.10.2020 Notification
sealed rate quotation of
Multifuction colour
Printer, Photo Copier,
Network hubs and
- 11.08.2020 Notification
extension of last date
for the submission of
sealed rate quotation
repairing of 750 KVA DG
- 13.07.2020 Notice
inviting sealed rate
quotation for repairing
of 750 KVA DG
- 19.06.2020 Notice inviting sealed rate quotation for supply of Smart Display 55"(Sony), Multi Functictn
Colour Printers (Canon), Photocopier (Canon), 5-Port Network
Hub (D-Link), 8-Port Network Hub and Wireless
Prensenter (remote control of PPT) (Logitech).
- 13.010.2019 Notification regarding Sealed Rate Quotations are invited from reputed firms for supplies of Winter Liveries
- 30.11.2019 Notification regarding the Cancellation of e-Tender for Supply,Install, Configure and Commissioning of Studio Based Video Conferencing and Desktop Based VC.
- 13.11.2019 Notification regarding Award of contract for supply, testing,installation and maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System of District Court Complexes of Manipur
- Transfer and Posting of Hon'ble Judges
- 22.05.2023 Notification regarding to Smt. Masana E. Panmei, MJS officer to look after the court and office of CJM/CJSD, Thoubal.
- 17.05.2023 Notification regarding to Smt. Margaret Niangsiamkim, MJS officer to look after the court and office of CJM/CJSD, Churachandpur.
- 26.04.2023 Order regarding to allocate additional charge to Shri Lamkhanpao Tonsing, MJS officer.
- 26.04.2023 Order regarding transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I officers.
- 02.03.2023 Order regarding transfer and posting of Shri Lamkholal Kipgen, MJS Grade-I Officer.
- 01.03.2023 Order regarding transfer and posting of MJS Grade-I Officers.
- 01.03.2023 Order regarding re-employment of MJS Grade-I Officers.
- 28.02.2023 Order regarding the allocation of additional charge to the Manipur Judicial Service (MJS) Officers.
- 21.02.2023 Order regarding place of posting of Manipur Judicial Service (MJS) Grade-III Officers.
- 21.09.2022 Order regarding transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service (MJS) Officers.
- 12.07.2022 Order regarding transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service (MJS) Officers.
- 08.07.2022 Order regarding the transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service(MJS) Officers.
- 19.02.2022 Order regarding the transfer and posting of MJS Grade -II Officers.
- 08.02.2022 Order regarding the appointment of Shri Shubham Vashist, MJS Grade -II Officer as CPC (eCourts) of Manipur.
- 07.02.2022 Order regarding transfer and posting of MJS Grade -II Officers.
- 31.01.2022 Order regarding Shri K. Nirojit Singh, Civil Judge Sr. Divn. Imphal East will take additional charge of CJM, Imphal West as an interim arrangement.
- 28.01.2022 Order regarding Smt. Ngaineikim Kipgen, retired MJS Grade-I Officer shall take additional charge of Addl. Sessions Judge, FTC, CAW, Manipur.
- 23.12.2021 Order regarding re-employment of retired MJS-I Judicial Officers, High Court of Manipur.
- 23.11.2021 Corrigendum regarding transfer and posting of MJS Grade II and III Officers.
- 22.11.2021 Order regarding promotion of 7(seven) MJS Grade-III officers and tranfer and posting of MJS Grade-II & III officers.
- 18.08.2021 Order regarding appointment of Registrar(Judicial), High Court of Manipur as Nodal Offier for monitoring FTSC and POCSO Courts.
- 27.05.2021 Notification regarding Transfer and posting of Smt. Binny Ngangom, MJS Grade-I and Shri Kh. Ajit Singh, MJS Grade-I.
- 27.05.2021 Clarification regarding order No. HCM/MJS/T-1/92- Estt./9307 dt. 11 June, 2020 of Registrar Judicial High Court of Manipur.
- 28.04.2021 Notification regarding Transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I officers.
- 09.04.2021 Notification regarding Transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-I officers.
- 27.03.2021 Notification regarding the posting of Manipur Judicial Service Grade-III officers appointed on 11th February 2021.
- 25.02.2021 Notification regarding the transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service Officers
- 01.02.2021 Notification regarding the extension of Manipur Judicial Service Officers
- 21.10.2020 Order
regarding to entrust the
additional charge of
District and Sessions
Judge, Ukhrul to Shri W.
Tonen Meitei, Special
Judge (ND&PS),
- 21.08.2020 Notification regarding the transfer and posting of Manipur Judicial Service Grade I & II.
- 11.06.2020 Notification
regarding to
allocate the additional
charge of Manipur
Judicial Service
- 28.01.2020 Notification
regarding the
transfer and posting of
Manipur Judicial Service
- Bench Constitutions/Court Sittings/Lok Adalat
- 07.03.2024 Notification regarding bench constitution of the National Lok Adalat to be held on 9th March, 2024.
- 14.02.2024 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat to be held on 9th March, 2024.
- 07.12.2023 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution of National Lok Adalat to be held on 9th December, 2023.
- 23.11.2023 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat for the High Court of Manipur to be held on 9th December, 2023.
- 22.11.2023 Notification regarding the Bench constitution
- 31.10.2023 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 2nd November, 2023
- 21.10.2022 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 2nd November, 2022
- 08.02.2023 Notification regarding Bench Composition of the National Lok Adalat for the High Court of Manipur to be held on 11th February, 2023.
- 16.01.2023 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat for the High Court of Manipur to be held on 11th February, 2023.
- 11.11.2022 Notification regarding Bench Constitution of the National Lok Adalat for the High Court of Manipur on 12th November, 2022.
- 12.10.2022 Notification regarding National Lok Adalat for the High Court of Manipur on 12th November, 2022.
- 11.08.2022 Notification regarding Bench Constitution of National Lok Adalat on 13th August,2022.
- 05.08.2022 Notification regarding of re-scheduling of National Lok Adalat on 13th August,2022.
- 04.08.2022 Notification regarding postponement National Lok Adalat to be held on 13th August 2022.
- 13.07.2022 Notification regarding National Lok Adalat to be held on 13th August 2022.
- 06.06.2022 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 7th June, 2022
- 10.05.2022 Notification regarding National Lok Adalat to be held on 14th May 2022.
- 28.04.2022 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 2nd May, 2022
- 18.04.2022 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat to be held on 14th May, 2022
- 01.04.2022 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 4th April, 2022
- 09.03.2022 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat to be held on 12th March, 2022
- 03.03.2022 Corrigendum regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 3rd March, 2022
- 02.03.2022 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 3rd March, 2022
- 09.02.2022 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat to be held on 12th March, 2022
- 01.02.2022 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 2nd February,2022
- 23.12.2021 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 17th January,2022
- 08.12.2021 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat to be held on 11th December 2021
- 12.11.2021 Notification regarding the National Lok Adalat to be held on 11th December 2021
- 27.10.2021 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 8th November,2021.
- 23.08.2021 Notification regarding constitution of division bench presided over by the Hon'ble Chief justice as the Commercial Appellate Bench.
- 08.09.2021 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution of National Lok Adalat to be held on 11th September 2021
- 10.08.2021 Notification
regarding the National Lok Adalat to be held on 11th September 2021
- 08.07.2021 Notification
regarding the officers and staff who will be on duty in connection with National Lok Adalat
to be held on 10th
july, 2021
- 08.07.2021 Causelist for National Lok Adalat Dated 10/07/2021
- 17.06.2021 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 5th July,2021
- 26.06.2021 Notification regarding the Lok Adalat Bench to be held on 10th July 2021.
- 26.03.2021 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 5th April,2021
- 23.02.2021 Notification regarding the Lok Adalat Bench to be held on 10th April 2021
- 19.02.2021 Notification regarding the Benches for different Subject matters w.e.f 22nd February,2021
- 06.02.2021 Notification
regarding Bench constitution for
the period from 16th February to
19th February
- 23.03.2020 Notification
regarding constitution of
Benches on rotation basis for
the period ending
31st March
- 16.03.2020 Notification
regarding the
Bench Constitution for the
period from 18-03-2020 to
- 04.03.2020 Notification
regarding the Bench
Constitution for the period
from 16-03-2020 to
- 02.07.2020 Notification regarding the filing of cases for the listing of cases on 6th July,2020.
- 19.02.2020 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period from 02-03-2020 to 06-03-2020.
- 19.02.2020 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period from 24-02-2020 to 28-02-2020.
- 06.02.2020 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period from 10-02-2020 to 14-02-2020.
- 28.01.2020 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period from 03-02-2020 to 07-02-2020.
- 23.01.2020 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period from 27-01-2020 to 31-01-2020.
- 16.01.2020 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period from 20-01-2020 to 24-01-2020
- 15.01.2020 Notification regarding the Hon'ble Mr. Justice L.S. Jamir will not hold the Court on 17.01.2020
- 27.12.2019 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period of 13-01-2020 to 17-01-2020
- 05.12.2019 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period of 16-12-2019 to 20-12-2019
- 05.12.2019 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period of 09-12-2019 to 11-12-2019
- 27.11.2019 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period of 02-12-2019 to 06-12-2019.
- 20.11.2019 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period of 25-11-2019 to 29-11-2019.
- 14.11.2019 Notification regarding the Bench Constitution for the period of 18th November,2019 to 22nd November,2019

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Supreme Court of India came up in 1958 and is located on Tilak Marg, New Delhi. The Supreme Court of India functioned from the Parliament House till it moved to the present building.... |
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