On re-organization of the
North-Eastern region by the
North Eastern Area
(Re-organization) Act, 1971, a
common High Court was
established for the
five North-Eastern States Assam,
Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya and
Tripura )
and the two Union Territories (
Union Territory of Mizoram and
the Union
Territory of Arunachal Pradesh)
and called as the Gauhati High
Thereafter, when Manipur
attained Statehood, Imphal Bench
of the Gauhati
High Court came into existence
on Friday, the 21st day of
January 1972.
In exercise of the power
conferred by Sub-section (2) of
Section 31 of the
North Eastern Areas
(Re-organisation) Act, 1971, His
Excellency, the
President of India was pleased
to establish the Permanent Bench
of the
Gauhati High Court at Imphal,
vide Gauhati High Court
(Establishment of
Permanent Bench at Imphal) order
dated 21st January, 1992.
Hon'ble the Chief
Justice of India, Hon'ble Mr.
Justice M. H. Kania inaugurated
the Permanent
Bench at Imphal on Saturday, the
14th day of March, 1992 in the
presence of
the Governor of. ...